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- Strona startowa
- Gordon Dickson Dragon 09 The Dragon and the Fair Ma
- Anderson Caroline Według wskazań lekarza Harlequin Romance 142
- Burnes Caroline Czytadło na lato Miłosne intrygi Kołysanka dla Daw
- Anderson Caroline Medical Duo 473 PowrĂłt buntownika
- Higgins Jack Sean Dillon 09 Niebezpieczna gra
- 230. Anderson Caroline Samotna pani doktor
- (Raija ze śnieżnej krainy 09) Bez korzeni Bente Pedersen
- Anderson_Caroline_Lekarz_tylko_rodzinny
- 09.Christenbery Jude Zapach luksusu
- Cara Covington [Menage Everlasting 44 Lusty Texas 03] Love Under Two Honchos (pdf)
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close, pressing her breasts to his wet t-shirt. He pulled up her sweatshirt to
let his hand roams over her mounds to find the pointing nipples. He wanted
to take her right there but forced himself to pull her onto the porch under the
roof. There were no neighbors, and it was raining so hard no one could have
seen them if they were standing ten feet away.
She began taking off her clothes as they kissed. He unbelted his pants
and pushed her jeans off. He picked her up to set her down on his throbbing
penis. She wrapped her legs around him, pushing her feet against the door to
lift herself up and down on his shaft. His hands cupped under her ass, and
his fingers found her wetness where his cock was moving. That was enough
to trigger his climax. She slid off him as he rocked. She dropped to her
knees to take him into her mouth to suck every drop he had left. He was so
drained he could hardly stand. Caroline opened the door, took his hand, and
led him inside to the bedroom.
He reached for her, but she stopped his hands. I need to tell you
something important. No, before you say anything, I went to the house for
my writing things. Malcolm was there. He announced that he wanted
Georgia s child named after him. I didn t think he even knew, but he did.
Sahara heard him and called him everything but human, and I decked him.
Naturally, it did not hurt him, but he is now threatening to tell Doc if
Georgia does not return to him.
When she stopped for breath, Larry jumped in. You decked him?
Really? Wow, I hope you never get that mad at me. He grinned and pulled
her to him. Anything else, Rocky?
Caroline s House 239
Yes, as a matter of fact, there is, she replied. Sahara says she can
show Doc and Georgia how he can get an erection again and hold it.
However& and I m sure she is right& she knows Doc would never do
anything without Georgia. She proposes a ménage, here, where they won t
be seen. She wants us to vacate for a night while they get it on.
Let me see if I understand all this. Larry looked perplexed as he
asked, Sahara thinks she can cure Doc and wants to have a threesome with
Doc and Georgia. She thinks Georgia is willing and wants it too. Sorry,
honey, but I can t picture little Georgia having sex with a woman, even with
Doc there. I also can t imagine Doc doing anyone but his wife. No way can
we contribute to her plan.
Caroline thought a moment and decided honesty was the only way.
Larry, darling, lover, sweetcakes, studmuffin, angelpuss, sexy rexy& I have
news for you. Sahara is a damn sexy woman, and I felt an attraction to her
myself, so how can I deny that Georgia feels the same way? Now, tell the
truth you feel that same desire, don t you? Both you and Doc must have
thought what she would be like. If she can help Doc, then that helps Georgia
and their marriage too. How can we deny them the chance to try? Close your
eyes, Honey, and think of Sahara& her soft skin, her raven hair on a white
pillow, her full lips, her breasts, flat stomach, curls between her legs. As
she spoke, she slid her hand down to encircle his penis, which was already
hard. See, you got hard just thinking about her. You can t deny it. I can feel
Bull crap, Caroline, that hard-on is for you. I don t need any woman
but you.
I never said you needed her. Just that like a normal sexy man, you find
her desirable and under different circumstances, you would have sex with
her any and every chance you could.
Bull crap, again. You are all I need.
I hope so, but admit it. You know I m right. So, if they want the house
for a night or a week, we can easily take a little second honeymoon for
however long they want. Personally, I would like to go to Hawaii, where no
one knows us. I ve never been there. Maybe warm sandy beaches, soft
breezes, and tropical nights might make you want to have sex with me.
What do you think?
240 Beverly Sims
Want to have sex with you? Woman, are you sure you can handle any
more than I already give you? By now, his hands were moving over her
body. Okay, baby, if that s what you want, we ll do it. But maybe Sahara
will have to teach me how to keep it up all the time.
Caroline smiled. Yes, that is certainly something to think about,
darling. Have you ever done a ménage?
Larry did not answer. He was too busy.
Caroline s House 241
Chapter 58
Georgia picked up Caroline at the house as soon as the kids were off to
school. So far, she had been able to hide her morning sickness, but if it did
not stop soon, someone would notice, and she was not ready to handle that
Together they drove to Caroline s house. Caroline had her hair up under
a turban and scarf around her neck. Sahara had coffee made when the
women entered the kitchen. She was in a delicate peach-colored peignoir
with matching high-heeled slippers.
I hope you don t mind my borrowing some sexy stuff from your closet,
Caroline. This one is probably knee-length for you, but floor-length for me.
Our feet are the same size, too. I will see that they are all laundered before I
leave. Malcolm seems to like these kinds of things, if you know what I
No problem. Wear and use whatever you want. Malcolm has good taste
in clothes and in women, too, apparently. Sahara s breasts were much
larger than Caroline s, so the tops were barely halfway to her nipples, which
pressed in points in the soft fabric. The thinness of the gown allowed a
shadow to show at the top of her legs. Georgia could not take her eyes off
the beautiful prostitute, and Caroline again felt her attraction.
Have you talked to Doc, Georgia? Sahara asked. Let me show you
what I have for him& and for you. She opened a cupboard and removed a
box. Inside was a strange apparatus that resembled a small vacuum cleaner.
This is so simple once you get the hang of it. I buy them for certain clients
who return with them to me often. The tips are much bigger, and the guys
literally swear by them. Of course, they could do it themselves but seem to
prefer my administering to them. I wonder why. She smiled, knowing why.
I will show both you and Doc how to use it. We will all have fun. How
about you, Caroline would you and Larry like a little Sahara fun, too?
242 Beverly Sims
Caroline smiled. We are newlyweds, remember, still getting
acquainted. Ask us again in a few years. As for using the house, it took
some convincing, but Larry has agreed to you using it. All it s costing him is
a trip to Hawaii for the two of us. Just let me know when you want it, and
we ll be gone. Wish you would hurry up& I have never been to Hawaii and
hear the place is an aphrodisiac itself.
They discussed how to convince Doc to participate. Finally, Sahara said,
I think I can make it happen. All you have to do is get him to the house and
be ready, Georgia, to experience pleasure you have never known before. He
will be more than willing when he sees what I am going to do to you. I
Is that my little bird I hear upstairs? Malcolm s voice rumbled up
from the basement. He appeared in the kitchen, heading straight to Georgia,
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