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southern Si fourteen days ago. Several Pentadrians landed and separated into
groups, which have been travelling inland. It appears they are using their birds to
guide them toward Siyee villages. She looked at Auraya. We sent a request for
help to the White and Auraya has come back to us. Before we begin discussing
how to deal with the Pentadrians, do you have any questions, Auraya?
How often have you received reports on the Pentadrians movements?
Every few hours. My son, Sreil, has organized for groups of watchers to follow
the Pentadrians and report back regularly.
Have any of these watchers seen one or more of the Pentadrian sorcerer leaders
among them?
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That doesn t mean they re not with them. Auraya drummed her fingers together.
Have the Pentadrians harmed anyone?
Not yet.
Have they spoken to anyone?
No all Siyee have been told to keep away from them.
Have they attempted to make a permanent settlement?
The Speakers looked surprised. She read from their minds that none had
considered the possibility.
The watchers say they have been travelling constantly, Speaker Dryss replied.
Auraya considered all that they had told her. I have no more questions for now.
Does anyone have questions for me?
Yes, one of the representatives replied. What will you do?
She brought her hands together and interlocked her fingers. Advise and assist
you. I am not here to decide a course of action for you. I will protect you if they
attack, and drive them out of Si if I can should you decide I must. I will also
translate for you if they wish to communicate. It is possible they wish to make
peace with you.
The Siyee exchanged glances, many scowling.
Never! one of the representatives hissed.
Do not dismiss the possibility, one of the older Speakers told the young man.
The Pentadrians are not a people about to die out. Better we be at peace with
them than not.
So long as we are not forced to compromise too much for it.
Of course not.
There is another possibility, Auraya continued. One that disturbs me. They
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may hope to convert Siyee to their cult.
They will be disappointed, Speaker Sirri said firmly. There is not one Siyee
who does not grieve the loss of a family or tribe member. None would betray us
to join the enemy.
I believe that is so, Auraya replied. If they come with such intentions, it is
best all are alert to the possibility and prepared to resist sweet words of
They will not have a chance to utter them, the young representative declared.
They will go home or we will kill them.
We will send them home, whatever their intentions, Sirri agreed. Even if their
purpose is peaceful, it is too soon after the war for us to welcome Pentadrians in
The other Speakers voiced their agreement.
If that is what you mean to do, Auraya said, the Pentadrians need to hear it
from you, not me. They need to know it is your decision and that you are not
merely doing what the White tell you to do.
Silence followed her words. She sensed their fear and reluctance.
What if they attack us? a Speaker said in a min voice.
I will protect you. We will retreat and, when you are safe, I will return to drive
them away.
Must we all go? Speaker Dryss said. I am not so quick with the winds these
days and I fear I may hamper you if we need to retreat quickly.
There is no need for you to all go, Auraya said. Choose three from among
Sirri cleared her throat. I would prefer to ask for volunteers.
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As she glanced around the room, Auraya noticed many averted gazes. The young
representative did not flinch away. Auraya felt her heart sink as he straightened
in preparation to speak. He s a bit headstrong for this.
I ll go, he offered.
Thank you, Rizzi, but this is a task for Speakers, Sirri said. How seriously
will these Pentadrians take our words if they aren t spoken to by tribal leaders?
She spread her hands. I will go. If no others volunteer, I will be forced to call
for nominations, or have names drawn from
I will go if I am not too old.
The volunteer was a middle-aged Speaker, Iriz of the Green Lake tribe.
Sirri smiled. There are many years in you yet, Speaker Iriz.
And I, another Siyee woman offered. Auraya recognized the Speaker of the
Sun Ridge tribe, whose members had been attacked by the Pentadrians trained
birds months before the battle.
Thank you, Speaker Tyzi, Sirri said. That makes three.
The relief of the other Siyee washed over Auraya. She resisted a smile. Sirri
slapped her knees decisively. We will leave at first light tomorrow. Are there
any other matters to raise with Auraya? She looked around the room, but none
of the Siyee spoke. Then this gathering is over. Speakers Iriz and Tyzi, could
you stay? We must discuss preparations for the journey.
As the Siyee filed out of the room, Auraya looked down at Mischief. He was still
asleep. She smiled and turned her attention to the remaining Siyee. At once she
felt a twinge of apprehension. If she found herself facing one of the more
powerful Pentadrian sorcerers it would not be easy to protect these Siyee. She
must ensure she had a good look at the intruders before they saw her.
For now, she must show the Siyee no sign of her own doubts and fears.
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The sea surged under the boat as if it regarded the vessel as an irritating pest that
it must shake off. As a wave threatened to capsize it, Emerahl drew magic and
used it to press the hull back against the water. A gust of wind drove rain into
her face and she cursed.
She realized she was cursing the sea in a language long forgotten, from a time
when fishermen and sailors worshipped gods of the seas. It was easy to imagine
the thrashing expanse of water was still ruled by a greater mind one who
wanted to be rid of this trespasser especially when she considered how quickly
the storm had blown in.
Emerahl snorted. The old gods are dead. This is just bad weather. I should have
taken the boat seller s advice, bought a bigger boat and waited a few weeks for
the season to change.
She had once known this stretch of coast well and had been able to read the signs
of bad weather. Much could change in a thousand years, however. The currents
as well as the weather were different. Even the shape of the shoreline was
unrecognizable in places. As she had travelled along the Toren coast she had
experienced an odd succession of familiar and unfamiliar sights. Fortunately the
hills that marked the border between Toren and Genria were still where they
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