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right away. He knew it didn't matter where she lived. She could live across the continent
for all he cared. What was the use of having a jet if he couldn't put it to good use? He
didn t think it would be necessary though, she d already said she lived in New York City.
"Over by third." She told him finally.
Alan accepted it as the truth. He had no reason to doubt her. "Will you write it
down for me?" He waited for her to shake her head in acknowledgement. "It is too bad
the phone lines are down or I could just call someone to come pick me up." He knew it
wasn't that far from his house, where his own car was parked.
"I really do need to be getting back, I shudder to think how far behind at work I
am already."
"Alan you can take the Blazer." Gina spoke softly. "I won't be needing it for a
little while. I am planning on staying here for a few more days now that the weather is
better." Alan was glad to hear this; it would mean that he didn't need to be so rushed. He
could fly back and take care of any pending business and then rush back here to be close
to her. The more time he could spend with her the better they would get to know each
other. Once again he brushed off her attempt to pay for the accident telling her in no
uncertain terms that she was to forget about the whole thing.
Alan knew that once he was back he would relegate some of the workload onto
his employees that was what they were there for after all. He didn't even care what they
might think over his erratic behavior. He never left important things to others he usually
did it himself, not this time. Working on Gina was going to come first with him for a
while. She was too special to let her fade out of his life.
"It's really okay to take the Blazer Alan. I've got another car locked up in the shed
out back. It's the one I usually drive anyway, the Blazer was my Grandfathers too."
When he hesitated, she went on. "I'm not worried about it and you can drop it
back by at your convenience. Alan relented then; maybe this was her way of keeping in
Okay, it s a deal. Alan reached and pulled her close and kissed her on the
forehead. The sooner I can get going the sooner I get back. Promise me that you will let
me take you out for a big steak dinner latter this week.
Gina hesitated. She hated to lie to him any more but there was no way she
couldn t at this point. If that is what you want."
"Now let me help you get your house back in order before I leave. Alan shuffled
the furniture back around as if it was nothing to him. He laughed to himself as he noticed
that every time he looked her way she would glance off in another. He chalked it up to
her shyness. He didn't have any problem with watching her.
Alan knew he wasn't going to let this one get away if he could help it. She was so
different from the other women he knew. His last chore was to get a roaring fire going for
her to keep her snug for a while after he left. When he was finished with the fire she was
right behind him, standing quietly watching him.
"Alan?" He picked up on her nervousness and he wished he knew what was
bothering her.
"Yeah." He turned towards her and put his arm around her slim shoulders. "What
is bothering you?"
"Maybe, just in case I'm out when you come back I'd better tell you that you can
leave the Blazer in the shed and put the keys under the seat. Just in case, okay?" Her
voice was shaky and uncertain. It made him uneasy and he once again felt the need to be
able to make sure he could find her. What if she went back to the city early? He was
hoping that when she went back that she would go with him. He wanted to ask her to
leave with him today but didn't want to spoil her vacation. Typists probably didn't get
much vacation time.
"Sure thing, now how about that address you promised me. I wouldn't want you
getting lost on me." He smiled at her gently noting the nervousness she tried so hard to
conceal from him. She went and got some paper and wrote it out for him. "I know about
where that is. I've got a place on Park Avenue. Alan wasn't trying to impress her with his
address; he just wanted her to know where she could locate him if she wanted to. He
hoped she might.
"Well I guess I better be saying goodbye then. Alan pulled her close and kissed
her thoroughly, he could feel her melting under his touch and kiss.
"Ummm." He murmured seductively. "You make me want to stay."
Her blue green eyes twinkled up at him happily. "And Gina... thanks for
everything, really. I know we didn't get off to a good start at first but I'm going to make it
all up to you I promise. If you'll let me."
"You are very welcome Alan. Have a safe trip.
I will and you be good& He made her laugh.
Alan hated to leave her there all alone yet he already looked forward to seeing her
again. His last glance over his shoulder was to find her on the porch-waving goodbye.
Gina was relieved when Alan was gone and yet something made her notice that
even in his absence his presence was still felt. Secretly she wished that Alan hadn't been
so nice to her and that she wasn't so attracted to him. Then maybe she wouldn't have such
a guilty conscience for deceiving him. She knew she would never see him again now that
she had given him a false address and phone number.
There could just not be any future for them no matter how much she wished it
otherwise. She knew that Alan was a highly sought after bachelor. What could he ever
really see in a person like her? She didn't have the kind of class his other women had. She
lacked the culture, the beauty and the style for someone as socially active as Alan. He had
his position in life and she had hers. She would be the first to admit the world was class
Oh, he had been attracted to her all right. There was no doubt in her mind about
that. It was a matter of proximity though.
She wondered what Alan would think of her when he found out that she had given
him a false lead, the brush off so to speak. Gina found herself next to tears when she
thought how Alan might react if he knew that she was his infamous Gina Habersham, the
blight on his life for the moment. There was really no way she could make up for all the
trouble she caused him. If only things could have been different for them. If only she
could have met him earlier, then that article would have never been wrote in the
repressive light that it was.
Gina knew that she would go ahead with her plans now. She would sign a power
of attorney over to her lawyer and let him take care of selling the farmhouse and the
property. She would like to keep it but things just seemed to be going from bad to worse
for her. The upkeep on the farm cost her considerably, not to mention holding down her
job and shuffling back and forth all the time.
Gina shed a few tears when she realized that she would never be near this place
again. She remembered the thoughts of her grandfather who had agreed with the wise old
saying that your home is where your heart is. Gina knew that she was leaving a part of
her heart here. If things could have been different for her then maybe she could have
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