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emergency landing, she finds herself stranded in the middle of a National Wildlife Refuge. With
no civilization for miles and no hope of rescue, she thinks all is lost&
Until she stumbles upon the entrance to an underground bunker.
Jack, Jordan, and Jonathan McMathan own and operate a secret intelligence firm contracted by
the US Government. Hidden away in an old Cold War spy station located the middle of the
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, the brothers are not only able to do their top secret jobs safely
without fear of discovery, but are better to protect their other, more personal secret: They have
the ability to shift into Kodiak bears.
Like a fairy tale gone bad, the brothers return home to find their lunch tasted or eaten, their
computer chairs adjusted or broken, and a beautiful blonde sleeping in one of their beds. This
situation poses a big problem for the brothers&
Their location is now compromised. But more importantly, what are they to do with the lady?
Just Right by Bronwyn Green
When Department of Natural Resources officer, Gwendolyn Locke, hits a black bear on the way
home from work one night, her entire view of reality changes. She discovers that shape-shifters
exist, and she s just become Goldilocks to three gorgeous, very aroused men who also happen to
be werebears. Being snowbound has never been so hot.
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