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Please, Jaycee whispered, holding his breath until he heard
Rico s voice in the background. Tears started sliding down his
cheeks. Rico was alive. He was& then who was killed by the hell
Dude, where s my fucking car? Rico said when he came on the
line. I was about to call the police and report it stolen.
It s parked in front of the house, Jaycee said quietly, not quite
believing that he was hearing his friend s voice. Are you okay?
I m fine, dude. Since Mike was working and you had taken off, I
decided to go visit Mom for a few days, that s all.
Good, good, that s a good place to be right now. Maybe you
could Suddenly, the rest of Rico s words started to make sense to
Jaycee, and he knew who had died. I& Jaycee swallowed again. I
think Mike is dead.
It was the only explanation.
I think Mike is dead.
How? Rico asked.
There was an attack at the house. When I came home, I found&
Jaycee wasn t sure how to exactly explain this situation to Rico
without telling him about the winged beasts and he couldn t do that.
There was a body in one of the bedrooms, but it was beyond
recognition. I thought it was you because Mike is always at work
and& Jaycee licked his dry lips.
Wolf 127
Jaycee could just see Rico pushing his hand through his dark
brown hair, ruffling the ends. It was what the man did every time he
was agitated.
What did the police say? Rico asked. Did they catch whoever
did it?
I don t know. I haven t been back to the house since then and the
police haven t come to talk to me. Mostly because they couldn t find
him. I guess they will when the time is right.
Yeah, yeah. Um& do you think I should come home and talk to
them or call them? Maybe they have questions for me.
Jaycee s heart jumped into his throat. No!
I m sorry, Rico. I just don t know if they have caught whoever
did this and if you come home, they might go after you and& just stay
where you are until I call you, okay? I ll give the police your mother s
number, and they can contact you if they need to.
Please stay where you are. It was the only way that he could see
to keep Rico safe until the hell hounds were killed or stopped coming
after him.
I need my car, Jaycee.
I ll have someone bring it to you. Who, he didn t have a clue,
but maybe one of the winged beasts would drive Rico s car over to
him. He could hope anyway. Just don t come back to the house, not
until I give you the all clear.
Yeah, I hear ya, Rico grumbled. I ll stay put until you call.
Thanks, Rico.
But call me the second you find out if it was Mike or not.
Yeah, I will. Although, Jaycee was pretty damn sure that it was.
Take care, Rico. I m really glad you re safe.
You too, dude. Rico chuckled nervously. Don t take any candy
from strangers.
Yeah, like that was going to happen. Wolf would flip his lid.
Jaycee hung up the phone and just stared at it. Rico was alive and
128 Lynn Hagen
Mike might be dead. He couldn t believe it. He didn t know whether
to be grateful or not. He liked Mike just as much as Rico.
This sucked.
Did you make your phone call, zaterio?
Jaycee glanced up when Wolf walked into the room. He nodded
absently. Yeah, I just got off the phone with Rico.
Wolf s eyebrows shot up. Rico?
Yeah. It seemed he went to visit his mother a few days ago. He s
So, if that wasn t Rico back at your place, who was it?
Jaycee sighed deeply. I m betting it was Mike, my other
Oh, zaterio, I am so sorry. Wolf walked over and sat down on
the edge of the bed next to Jaycee and wrapped an arm around him.
Jaycee leaned into Wolf, loving the larger man s innate strength.
He always felt so safe in Wolf s arms. I wish I could stay here for
the rest of my life, Jaycee mused as he rubbed his cheek against the
side of Wolf s chest.
You can, zaterio.
Jaycee chuckled. Only in my fantasies.
Where else would you go?
Jaycee peeked up at Wolf when he felt the man s arms tighten
around him. Well, I have to go back to my place for one, and
The hell you do! Wolf snapped as he jumped to his feet so fast
that Jaycee didn t have time to stop his fall, and fell right into the spot
where Wolf had been sitting. He slowly pushed himself up and
brushed the hair out of his eyes.
You re not going anywhere. Wolf snapped his teeth and then
pointed to the floor. This is where you belong, right here with me.
Nowhere else.
Jaycee blinked in surprise, and a bit of growing anger. What I
meant was that I wanted to stay wrapped in your arms for the rest of
my life. But I knew that couldn t happen because I needed to go back
Wolf 129
to my house and pack up everything I owned so that I could move in
here with you.
Jaycee watched Wolf s face flush. The man s eyes darted away
when Jaycee pushed himself to his feet and stepped forward. Jaycee
thumped Wolf in the chest with his finger.
That may change if you think you can control me like some little
pet. I refuse to be under someone s thumb for the rest of my life. And
mate or no mate, if you ever even think about trying to make me into
some little brainless slave, I will become your worst nightmare.
You ll wish that you were battling an entire pack of hell hounds by
the time I m done with you.
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