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that wasn t exactly a smart move with a very large alien male.
His lips twitched and she would ve been willing to swear his eyes were gleaming with
suppressed amusement. She eyed him uneasily at first and then suspiciously. After a moments
debate, she decided to try one more time to get her message across. I am Cara. My name is
Cara, she said, touching her chest just below her collar bone.
Again the alien grabbed two handfuls of boob. This time, though, he made the effort to
mangle her name. Ca-ra, he repeated, accenting the last syllable the strongest.
Cara grasped his wrists and pulled his hands away. Asshole! she snarled.
He laughed.
Cara felt her face heat up. She was torn between embarrassment at being laughed at
apparently the butt of an alien joke! and bemusement because she wasn t convinced he had
done it as a joke.
She couldn t help but be charmed, as well, in spite of her irritation and uneasiness about being
manhandled. The sound of his laugh was pleasant and so human-like that it was as comforting as
it was warming, giving her the illusion, however brief, that she was with a fellow human. Ditto
his smile, which was more than pleasant. It made everything inside of her go all warm and fuzzy
& as if she d been flirting with a very attractive human male who appealed to her on a sexual
Nam izz Dagon, he said in that growly voice she d heard before.
She was impressed & and suspicious. Could he speak and understand English or not? Was
he faking not being able to understand? Or was he just so smart he d picked it up that quickly?
He was certainly smart. She was convinced he hadn t known how to fly the ship when he sat
down at the controls, but it hadn t taken him long to figure it out. Of course, that might only
mean, and probably did, that he was used to something similar. He was definitely not from a
species, like hers, where he wasn t used to space travel.
But this ship wasn t his and that realization made her wonder where his was. He couldn t
have reached the alien lab, she was sure, without one. She didn t get a good look at the place
they d left but it was close to the planet so it would have had to be a space station or maybe a
moon base. Either way it seemed unlikely it was a place that he could ve been from.
* * * *
I did not leave her because she was not from that place.
There were others who also were not from that place and we left them there, Gilen said
ALIEN ABDUCTION Kaitlyn O Connor 21
You think that we should have left her, Joar demanded, clearly outraged? When she is such a
frail little thing and clearly could not have survived down there in that primitive place?
Gilen turned to study his companion irritably. If it wasn t just like him to butt in when he
wasn t wanted and fuck up his chance to discover what Dagon was up to! Now Dagon was too
far away to carry on an actual conversation and if he brought it up again Dagon would not be
taken by surprise and tell him what he wanted to know. I did not say that, Gilen responded
That is what it sounded like to me, Joar said tightly.
I said that because I was trying to get Dagon to tell me why he had decided not to leave her
when he had said before we left the Basinini ship that we were going to the planet below to leave
the beings those bastards had kidnapped to torture!
Joar gaped at him in disbelief. Why did you not simply ask him, then?
Because he would tell me nothing, gods damn it! You know how he is when either of us
question his reasons for doing a thing!
I do not question his reasons. I know that he always has a very good reason for everything he
does even if I do not completely understand what that is, Joar said self-righteously.
Because you are a dunce, Gilen retorted, angered past caution!
Joar punched him twice on the shoulder and then the jaw.
It took Gilen several moments to regain control of the small craft. By the time he had he was
struggling with a desire to get up from the controls and beat Joar unconscious. If that was meant
to prove you are not a dunce, you have failed miserably, he growled! If there had been anything
to run into we would be dead meat now!
You did that on purpose, Joar said tautly, scared shitless by the acrobatics the small ship had
I am purposefully going to beat you to a bloody pulp when I land this fucking thing, Gilen
You are not good enough to beat me to a pulp! Dagon, mayhap, but not you!
Gilen allowed the subject to drop not his anger but he was still lathered in a cold sweat
from losing control of the craft before and he had no desire to risk it again. Once they landed
would be soon enough to have a heart to heart with Joar about screwing around when he was
piloting at all let alone a captured craft he was unfamiliar with.
It was unfortunate for Joar that Gilen wasn t able to vent his anger immediately because the
longer he waited, the angrier he was. By the time they reached their own ship hours later, he d
replayed the entire incident over and over and gotten more pissed off with each detail he recalled
that made Joar s recklessness seem more life threatening and less reasonable.
Even more unfortunately for Joar, he had dismissed the incident almost as soon as he d gotten
over the fright it had given him when the small craft went into a dizzying spin and the twinge of
guilt that his reaction to Gilen s insult might have contributed to the problem. He was thinking
of nothing but his relief in finally being able to climb out of the cramped, unfamiliar vessel when
Gilen brought it to a halt inside the belly of their ship. As soon as the airlock closed and the
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