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of it too.
Akila ordered her rising lust to stand down. Nothing to see here, citizens, move along. No, thank you.
This is enough. She indicated the food on her plate.
Come. Valarian led the way to a sitting area different from the one in which he d greeted her
yesterday. This room faced another direction and offered a different seascape, one which included a rocky
outcropping of land and distant islands. It also featured a wall of encaged birds and an environment for
them. A sapling grew toward a skylight above, giving the birds sunlight and branches to perch upon.
Akila watched the parakeets and finches flutter and peck at their cuttlebone. You like birds. She
stated the obvious.
He stood beside her and she felt his presence as if he was pulsing in electro-magnetic waves. It might
seem cruel to keep them captive, but I think they re happy enough, and I do enjoy caring for them.
No worse than keeping a cat indoors when they re meant to roam and hunt, Akila observed and
immediately wished she hadn t as she realized who she was talking to a preternatural creature who was
made to hunt and kill. For all she knew, these birds were one of his sources of blood.
See the one with the scarlet breast? That s Beebo.
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Bonnie Dee
He d named them? Probably not food, then. Akila listened with delight as Valarian chatted about
different birds personalities. He seemed less formidable, more approachable when he reached into the cage
and brought out Beebo on his finger.
Akila held out her hand and the bird shuffled from Valarian s finger onto hers. Sharp little claws
curled around her finger as the bird clung to her and let out a desultory chirp.
He s so cute. They all are. She never would ve imagined the dashing, worldly, mysterious Valarian
Kaspan as a bird lover. His finger brushed hers as he took the bird back and returned it to its cage and a
frisson of energy shot through her at the contact.
I like them. Their lives are fleeting, but just the sight of birds brings joy. That s more than a lot of
people can say about their existence.
I suppose so. She moved to a chair and sat to eat her breakfast.
Her host sat across from her, making her a little self-conscious about devouring her crumbly muffin.
But she ate it anyway. Between bites, she quizzed him.
If it s not rude to ask, do you, um, hunt animals or drink from blood bags from human donors?
Some of each. I couldn t live strictly on re-heated blood. Sometimes I need it live and pumping
straight from the source.
She swallowed, nearly choking on her muffin. The glance he gave her neck illustrated his point. She
could see the predatory gleam in his eyes as if he d like to snack on her right now. It made her nervous but
also strangely aroused. The stories about the erotic magnetism of a vampire weren t exaggerated at all.
She concentrated on picking apart her muffin. I ve thought about your proposal. Is it possible to meet
one of these Sisters who told you about the prophecy? I can t understand why my DNA is so crucial.
There s never been anyone in my family with any special abilities that I know of. I m sure you can
understand how hard it is for me to surrender my future and have a kid at my age based on some prophecy
that may not even be true.
I ll see what I can do about contacting them and I ll show you the copy of the prophecy. Meanwhile,
will you stay and enjoy the island? You ve nothing to hurry back to, have you?
From his tone, he knew she was unemployed. He probably also knew she was skating on the edge of
poverty, which was why he d believed offering a payoff would sway her decision.
As if hearing her thoughts, Valarian added, I m sorry to have sprung all this on you so abruptly, and
to suggest you d take money in exchange was unforgiveable.
Yes, it was. Although I don t know any easy way you could ve broken news like this. As for the
money, it would be a lie to say I didn t consider it briefly. I am broke. I can t get a writing job to save my
life and the idea of working in a fast food restaurant, hoping for a big break that never comes, is
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Vampires Consort
She thought about last night with Jacob and for a second allowed herself to imagine her future with a
child in it. It was harder to accept than the idea of vampires. But if I m convinced the existence of this
child is crucial to the future of the world, I d do it, and I wouldn t take payment for it.
Although it might be nice to pretend it doesn t matter, the financial aspect is important. You would
have my protection and support in every way. As Valarian reiterated his promise from the previous
evening, he leaned forward in his chair and reached out to clasp her hand.
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