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looking chair in front of a bookcase filled with legal volumes, so probably she d taped
this somewhere in these offices. She looked directly at me and smiled, as though she
knew right where I was sitting. Then she turned her gaze to each person in turn, ending
on Alex, with a wink and a blown kiss. Alex burst into tears anew.
Seeing the screen was a little tricky, so I moved my chair until I had a clearer view.
My family, friends, and guests, Vicki began. Thank you all for coming. And thank
you, Barney, for going to all the trouble to gather everyone together. I know it wasn t easy
in some cases.
Arons looked up at the ceiling rather than the screen. That s our job. We re here to
The Vicki on the screen smiled. Yes, but you do go above and beyond the call. Thank
Whoa. That sounded like a direct response to what he said. The revelation caused me
to lean forward so I could see the screen more closely. Vampire vision was good for a
few things, and seeing in the dark was one. Yep, just as I suspected, Vicki s eyes were
glazed over slightly. She had been having a vision during the filming. She really was
seeing us here, in this time, and was going to actually talk to us. Just to clue in the rest
of the confused-looking people, I asked, You re really here right now, aren t you, Vick?
You re seeing all of us, in the future, while you tape this?
Her head turned and she looked at me not where I had been sitting a minute earlier,
but where I was now. You always were one of the smartest people I knew, Celia. Yes, I m
here but in the past. If you look at the file for this recording, you ll see it was taped at least
a year ago. I say at least because I m not really sure what year I die. That s the trick with
this gift. You don t always see your own life with any clarity. But I can see each of you
sitting in front of me. She sighed. I m really sorry that Dawna couldn t be here. But it s
more important she get well. She turned her head again, looking past Alex. I like what
you ve done with your hair, Sybil. It s a good look on you.
My friend s former body double gasped and put a hand up to her hair. Um . . . thank
Vicki s eyes sparkled. The cameraperson must have thought she was nuts. Or not,
since it was no secret that Vicki was clairvoyant. Now, Barney has the full document
each of you will be given a copy of. But I wanted to tell you the terms in my own way. She
turned to face David and Inez. I don t know if you two knew how special you were to me.
Even after I moved to Birchwoods, you kept my house feeling like a home whenever I
was there. I could think of only one way to express my appreciation for your years of hard
Pshaw, David said under his breath. We d have done it for free . . . it s a beautiful
I know you would have, she interrupted, causing him to stare at the screen
openmouthed. And that s exactly what you re going to get to do for as long as you want
to. David. Inez. Cooper Manor is yours. Take care of it. And yes, Inez, your mother is
welcome. Please bring her home to live with you. I know you ve been worried about her.
Now it was Inez who burst into tears. She stared up at the screen with shining eyes
that probably only I could see. Miss Vicki, no. We can t. It s too much. That house . . . it s
so expensive.
Vicki snorted and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. And it does me what good now? I can
float on the ceiling almost anywhere. Inez, please . . . accept this small token. Really, it is
small in the scheme of things. And just so you know, I m also leaving you enough money
to take care of the taxes and such for as long as you live there.
This is ridiculous! Cassandra apparently had had enough. She stood up and
slammed a fist down on the table. I will not watch my daughter leave a multimillion dollar
home to a servant.
Mother, shut up. Vicki s voice was cutting as she half-stood from her seat. It is not
my fault that you could never make amends with Grandma, nor is it my fault that her
estate was left to me. You ve made your own way and I m very proud of you and Daddy.
But this is my money and my property and I will damned well leave it to whomever I
choose. I already know you re going to challenge this Will and have made appropriate
arrangements to defend it. Just so you know, I win. Now . . . sit down!
I couldn t help but smirk. Vicki was finally able to do in death what she d always
wanted to do in life. You go, girl, I whispered. Gran elbowed me in the arm. But
Cassandra wouldn t be able to see my smile in the dark.
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