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scandalous little secret; one he could pull out and use
whenever he needed a hold over her. But she had let it out.
The chit had ruined everything. Now, Collin would destroy his
Sweet Serenity
by Catherine Stang
plan with the Holts. Not only would he lose the railroad
money, but...
He could see Anna, arms folded, off in the distance. She
had soft, pleasing curves with nice, full breasts. Her face
wasn't bad either, heart-shaped, with full, rosy lips. She was
a bit obstinate, but he could deal with that. He would show
her who was boss once they were married.
Stroking his mustache, he thought out all the possibilities.
Holt would be less likely to turn an in-law in for fraud. He
could sell her land or keep it and be partners with her
brother. Kyle Holt could do all the work, and he would reap
the rewards.
Besides, his parents would like Anna. Well, maybe not like,
but they would at least tolerate her. She wasn't divorced,
which was a big plus. His mind was made up. Wooing Mrs.
Ralston would solve all his problems.
Rudgewick cleared his throat and made his way towards a
sulking Anna. "Mrs. Ralston," he said smoothly, "why are we
letting those two win?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"Don't you?" He arched a golden brow. "MacClarron and
his new wife will make us both look like fools. You will be
painted as the desperate widow chasing after me the
smooth-talking scoundrel. Fodder for gossip for years to
come. What do you think?"
Anna's hands balled into fists at her side as she turned to
give him her back. Rudgewick slid up behind, pulling her to
him. With the evidence of his desire pressed firmly against
her round bottom, his hand began caressing her full breasts.
Sweet Serenity
by Catherine Stang
She moaned, her rigid body relaxing to mold with his.
Excitement surged through him. All was not lost.
"You melted in my arms a moment ago," he whispered
huskily in her ear. "Don't tell me that your feelings have
"No, they haven't." Her voice was rough with need. "That's
what frightens me."
"It shouldn't, love. I can make you happy."
Her body shuddered. "No!"
"Oh, yes. I can take you away from here. I have several
estates in England. Your little boy could attend the best
schools and have private tutors."
"I don't believe you." Her voice cracked when his hands
continued their calculated pursuit.
"That I have estates in England?" He nibbled on her
"No." She groaned. "That you want to marry me. I've seen
the way you look at Serenity. You want her."
Rudgewick laughed harshly. He wiggled even closer, so she
could feel the full impact of his desire. "Does this feel like I
want Serenity instead of you?" he asked, with just enough
inflection to make him sound sincere.
"To be honest, I did want her once. She has made her
choice, though. I'm too much a realist to fret over what I
can't change. What do you say?"
She pulled away from his insistent hands. Her chest
heaved with the effort to put herself back in control. "Just
don't embarrass me, Tarrington. Chasing after one man who
Sweet Serenity
by Catherine Stang
didn't want me was humiliation enough for one lifetime. I
don't think I could live through any more."
Rudgewick grabbed and kissed her hard and deep. Relief
coursed through him at her eager response. He would take
her, dress her up and, with the money he gained from Anna's
land, he would show his father that he had settled down. With
any luck, his old man would put him back in the will. Then,
once he had inherited the title, he would leave Anna and her
brat in the country, so she wouldn't embarrass him in front of
his sophisticated friends.
"You won't be sorry." He gave her another quick kiss to
seal their deal. "I'll dress you like a queen."
What more could she expect from this marriage? She
would have security, money, and the privilege of his title. He
would have a dutiful wife and a mistress in town.
Now, if he could only get even with Serenity, his life would
be perfect.
* * * *
Wallis stood when Desiree waltzed into Miss Lilly's gaudily
decorated parlor. "Howdy, Miss Desiree."
"Howdy, Sheriff." Her expression held a note of
He sensed it was confusing to have him visit her in the
light of day. "I want to ask you some questions about
Rudgewick Tarrington."
"I'm sorry." Her gaze dropped. "You know I can't talk
about that."
Sweet Serenity
by Catherine Stang
As she started to walk off, panic set in. He had to find a
way to crack her shell. He needed answers that he felt only
she could give.
"Does the name Serenity mean anything to you?"
She froze.
Ah, a flicker of hope. He pressed his advantage. "The
woman looks just like you."
Desiree turned and stared open-mouthed at him.
"I have a sinking feeling that Tarrington hurt her, too.
Think about it. When you're ready to talk, I'll listen."
He gave her a quick kiss as he strolled out the door. The
emotions racing across her face told him his words had hit
their intended mark. Now all he had to do was wait.
* * * *
Fiona slammed her fork down and glared at Myles. "I
thought you were many things, Myles Springfield, but a
coward wasna one of them."
Oliver coughed, but it didn't daunt Fiona.
"You've come this far and now you're going to leave
without fixin' things."
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