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When she collapsed down on him, he wrapped his arms around
her and cradled her close, a feeling of peace he d never known
settling over him like a warm blanket on a cool evening. He
murmured nothings as she trembled in his arms. When she stopped
shaking, he began rubbing one hand up and down her spine. He
reluctantly released her when she sat up, wishing they could just lie
together for the next ten years or so. If he could, he would open his
skin and pull her inside so they could stay as close as possible.
Riley, that was& Her voice trailed off.
Spectacular, he finished for her as both their stomachs began to
rumble. Sounds like I need to feed you before we do that again.
The Color of Sex 75
We can do it again? she asked as she slowly lifted off of him.
Sure, why not?
She turned away and reached for her slip.
She pulled it on but didn t look at him. I, uh, well I thought you
could only do it once.
Riley stood, and after dealing with the condom, grabbed his jeans
and pulled them on. He zipped them but didn t bother with the button.
Who told you that? he asked gently as he stepped up behind her.
Gabi shrugged but didn t fight him when he turned her around.
Sweet baby girl, with you I can go as many times as you want.
But first we need to eat so we ll have the energy to do it again.
His cock twitched with renewed interest when she looked up and
met his eyes with a look of pure sexual delight. Sounds good to me.
76 Cooper McKenzie
Chapter 11
I don t think I ll ever be able to come out here again without
blushing, Gabi said several hours later.
After a delicious grilled chicken salad with a dozen vegetables,
most of which Gabi could not identify, Riley quickly cleared the table
and proved his endurance and recovery skills, three times. The last
orgasm had been just as intense as the first and had left them curled
together on top of the picnic table, completely relaxed and unable to
Riley didn t respond. He just rubbed the flat of his hand up and
down her side as if he couldn t stop touching her.
Closing her eyes, Gabi saw the third painting as clearly as she had
the first two. With each orgasm, the vision grew clearer, and the pull
of her studio grew stronger. Finally, she could no longer fight the
need to create.
Sitting up, she cupped a hand around Riley s cheek. Then she
leaned over and brushed a gentle kiss across his lips.
I have to go upstairs, she said as she untangled herself and
scooted to the side of the table.
Now? Why? Riley asked as he rolled to his side.
She grabbed the first thing that looked like it could cover her and
pulled it on. It was his shirt. She paused a moment to take a deep
breath. Yep, it even smelled like him.
Yes, now. I have to paint. The call is too strong, I can t fight it,
she said as she returned to the table.
She didn t want to go. She d rather stay here and cuddle with
Riley for the rest of the night, the rest of the week, hell, the rest of her
The Color of Sex 77
life, but the vision would not be denied without consequences. And
after tonight, she didn t want to pay the price for ignoring her muse.
She didn t want Riley to have to deal with her in a creative funk
because she couldn t paint.
I ll come with you, he offered as he sat up.
No, that s okay. You must be exhausted after all the work you
did for this evening. By the way, thank you for that. I had a wonderful
time, even if it didn t go exactly as you had planned.
Leaning over the table, she kissed him again, a quick kiss which
did little to pacify her ever growing need for him. Breaking the kiss
with a sigh, she forced herself to step back and then walk away.
* * * *
I ll come up in a few minutes, he called after her. He could see
there was no talking her out of this middle of the night work session,
but at least he could keep her company.
She didn t respond, her mind already lost to the land of color and
texture and form.
Climbing from the table, Riley retrieved his jeans and pulled them
on. Once he was decent, he blew out the candles that had not burned
themselves out then spent a few minutes straightening the patio. After
loading the dishes in the dishwasher, he checked the locks and set the
alarm. Then he followed Gabi up the stairs and down the hall to her
Entering the room as quietly as he could so as to not interrupt her
concentration, he was surprised to see that she was already hard at
work, spreading blue paint across the canvas. Looking around the
room, he found a rocking chair in a corner which looked like it had
been put into service as a storage bench. The seat was filled with a tall
stack of books while a soft, fluffy blanket had been thrown over the
Picking up the books, Riley sat down. The chair was surprisingly
78 Cooper McKenzie
comfortable. Sorting through the books, he found his pretty little artist
wasn t so innocent after all. The books were all erotic romance with
covers hot enough to turn him on despite being so drained he could
barely move.
After watching Gabi paint for a few minutes, he turned his
attention to the book in his hands, though exhaustion was making it
difficult to keep his eyes open.
Curious, he opened the cover of each book and read the copyright
page. Each one had Bella Smith listed as the cover artist. Opening the
last book he came to, Riley began to read, curious as to why there
were two men holding a woman between them on the cover.
* * * *
Gabi set her brush to soak then took a moment to stretch as she
studied the work she d accomplished. Fulfillment was already coming
together after only the first two layers of paint. With a smile of
satisfaction, she stood up, intending to go and find Riley and thank
him properly for both the wonderful evening as well as for not
fighting her when she left him for her art.
Later she would come up with a way to show her appreciation for
the inspiration he had provided.
She stopped when she found the man asleep in the rocking chair
in what was supposed to be a reading corner. Problem was, whenever
she was in this room, her focus was on her art and not on reading. The
chair had actually become a catchall corner for books she wanted to
read and anything else she didn t know where to put.
He had a book open across his chest, though she couldn t see the
title for the hands folded on top of it. She crossed the room, touched
that he d joined her in the studio and not gone off in an angry huff at
being ignored.
Riley, wake up, she said softly, reaching for the book.
Huh? What? Riley jerked and opened his eyes, blinking several
The Color of Sex 79
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