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plotting to use my masculine wiles to try and seduce her. Wham,
bam thank you ma am and get me hell off this island.
Sometimes it s better to face the Devil than his Advocate. If
your rivals thought that planning to take Erik out, and having you
die instead was the best accident that could have happened, our
Azure has proved them mistaken. Those men thought they could
swoop down and take over your territory, but they found a coffin
waiting for them instead of the Devil s unprotected business
empire. Erik has been as tough if not tougher than the original
Devil. He does his job even better than he was taught. But that s
work, in his personal life...Erik waits for his beloved Devil to come
back to him.
Erik seemed unstable not lovelorn. How the hell could I know
if he had a soft side that deserved all that consideration from Miss
Witch Doctor? After all who was laying ass up in the air? Me. One
moment Erik s emotions were cool and harsh, then the next
moment he was all teary eyed and sorry. The one who kidnapped
me...that was the cool, harsh one. He was the one who raped me.
Who chained me. Who beat me without a second thought. Then
the tears of remorse and regret. Didn t stop the former from
happening again though, did it?
There is something wrong with him. I muttered. The ice
pack was numbing some of the agony.
You twisted him, Trev. You took an innocent and you twisted
him into a carnival mirror image of yourself. Yes, payback is a
bitch. Olga stood up.
Even if you can t remember, that bitch is still inside of you
and Erik will get his pound of flesh. One way or another because he
is entitled to it.
Derekica Snake
And all of you are going to help him? My voice sounded
bitter to my own ears.
Love, we re here to just make sure that he doesn t kill you.
You ve fucked all of us over at one time or the other, it s hard not
to root for him to succeed. Sorry, it was the other you who did the
fucking over. Since, he did a dine and dash you, Trev, are stuck
with the check. With that she sauntered out of the room.
The warmth of the morning sun burned into the room. I was
on a tropical paradise with a fucking madman who had henchmen
who could cart me around under one arm and a walking pharmacy
with breasts. The ache in my back and sternum hadn t decreased,
but it didn t increase either. Small mercy for small favors. The door
to the bedroom opened and the therapists walked in, one of them
was carrying my lunch tray. Here I was bare assed naked to the
elements and I couldn t move a muscle to protect my modesty. I
wonder if that bitch had left my ass uncovered on purpose. I
wouldn t put it past her.
Damn it, I should have taken the morphine.
My Hostage My Love
Lesson Seven: In the Still of the
apefest was over. Twenty-four Erik free days and counting.
Well I guess I should clarify that statement, there had been
R no unsupervised Erik encounters of any kind.
The island had a perimeter of ten kilometers with only the
south east side of the tip being developed and somehow recently I
had developed an internal radar for knowing exactly where that
blond haired, blue-green eyed bastard was in my small slice of a
rape free zone which consisted of the gym, the kitchen, the rec
room, my bedroom and the library.
Oh, and the great out doors and the ocean in the back of the
villa& if I wanted another melt down by being pulled into the
ocean, or getting heat stroke. In all those places I would get an Erik
blip in my chest before he appeared and it would give me enough
time to take my healing ass and psyche somewhere else, as fast as I
could. Like a mouse with the local cat on his trail I would scurry off
to another part of my limited territory. So what if it made me look
as if I was a coward. It was in my best interest to keep my ass rape
free, I needed this time to physically heal. My mental healing, well
that was just a crap shoot wasn t it? At the end of it all would I be
Trevor the unexceptional, timid bank clerk or the terror of the
world, a Devil named Trevor?
Everyone here had a reason for wanting the Devil
back& maybe the only one who didn t come at me with hidden
intentions was Antoine. He still carried the cane on his belt and
Derekica Snake
didn t hesitate to use it. If I turned out to be the Devil again maybe
I would be doing some serious payback where he was concerned.
Considering everyone here believed that I once was the Devil
and that this was MY island and MY house and MY high tech
security system/super computer, it was ironic that I had absolutely
no control over anything.
All the doors were secured with locks that required hand print
identification only it was everyone s hand print but mine. As I said I
was allowed to roam the gym, the kitchen, the rec room, my
bedroom and the library. Why the hell couldn t I damn well go
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