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seem to get going. He tried a couple times, without success, and blamed that damned racket next
door. He worked on himself a bit and tried again while he kept his ear cocked to the wall. Finally,
he gave up and put his trousers back on. He'd already paid Yolanda, but he took a dollar out of his
pocket and tossed the coin to the girl.
"I guess we don't have to tell anybody about this," he said.
"I won't tell, sefior. I promise," Rosita said, smiling.
He figured by tomorrow everybody at Yolanda's would know.
Except for Buck's tuneless whistling, the two men were silent in the buckboard on the way home.
Not until they had reached the
open country did Buck ask, "How'd you do with little Rosita?"
"Just fine," Les said in a hearty voice, while his pecker called him a liar. "I pleasured her twice."
He paused. "You took care of both those gals?"
"Hell, I could've took two more."
"You bragging?"
Buck laughed. "No, I swear, no matter how much I pump it, that well never runs dry." The silence
descended again. Les was aware of Buck looking sideways at him. He hoped his hard-on didn't
show. Damned thing had developed a mind of its own lately.
"You still randy?" Buck asked.
"Nope." Les swallowed hard. "Not after that workout Rosita gave me."
"Well, be don't look tired." Buck reached across and gave Les's erection a friendly squeeze.
Les was so surprised he couldn't think straight. His impulse was to shove Buck's hand away, but
somehow his hands wouldn't do it, and his dick was threatening to burst some buttons. He tried to
say something, and opened his mouth, but all that came out was a kind of sputter.
Buck fumbled with the fly. Of its own accord, Les's butt scooted forward a little to make the
buttons easier, and a minute later his dick jumped free.
"Jesus," Buck said. "That is a pecker and a half."
Despite himself, Les felt a flush of pride. He swallowed again. He'd never had nobody else's hand
stroke his cock. He'd figured it would feel the same as his own hand, but it felt different. Felt
good, actually. That kind of worried him.
That wasn't but the beginning, though. To Les's astonishment, Buck leaned across the seat,
lowered his head, and put his mouth on Les's dick. Les near jumped out of his seat. "You
oughtn't do that," he said. "What if someone was to see?"
"Out here?" Buck laughed. "Ain't nobody out here but that coyote over yonder. Who's he gonna
Buck took it in his mouth again. Les wanted to object but couldn't. He'd heard about blow jobs
and always wondered, but he'd never gotten up the courage to ask Yolanda's girls to do it, afraid
they'd think he was queer. Now, here he was with Buck slobbering all over his knob with that hot,
wet mouth, the tongue flicking around under the flange. He gasped as Buck took all ten inches
down his throat.
Between unfinished business at Yolanda's, and what Buck was doing, Les came all too quickly.
His entire body seemed to be erupting out of his cockhead into that hungry mouth.
"Hoo-ee!" Buck said, licking his lips. "You had all that left after Rosita?"
"I got me a pretty good well, too," Les said dryly.
"We got miles yet to go," Buck said, and would have resumed sucking, but Les put his hand
down and pushed him away.
"I'm fine," he said. He tucked his dick back into his trousers, not without some difficulty it was
still half hard and didn't want to go.
Buck shrugged and sat up on his side of the seat. They rode the rest of the way in silence.
Les stopped the buckboard by the kitchen door. "I'll say good
night," he said.
"I'll help you with the supplies," Buck said. "No need. I'll unload everything myself." "Hell, I'll
gladly help you with a load anytime." "Listen...," Les said. He had been thinking the rest of the
trip about what to say. "What happened back there, hell, I was
curious, that's all. I never had nobody do that before, but don't
you be getting ideas. I ain't queer neither."
"A man likes what he likes."
"You can like all you like," Les said. "Just don't expect it to happen again. I was just curious."
Buck jumped to the ground and grinned up at him. "Well, you get curious again, you know where
I sleep," he said. "Maybe I'll grease my butthole, just in case."
Even in the moonlight, Les's blush was obvious. "You have a good night's sleep," he said, and
drove toward the barn.
It was a good hour before Les got everything put away and the horses settled. He came through
the kitchen and, seeing a faint glow of light from Buck's room, he went and looked in. Buck was
naked on his pallet, back to the door. His round little butt looked as soft and downy as a baby's in
the lantern's glow. Les's pecker got excited all over again.
"Well, hell," he told himself. "No sense going halfway down the trail."
He thought Buck was asleep. He freed his pecker and got behind him, but he no sooner had then
Buck reached back and took hold of him. He scooted back and guided Les's dick to him. Les felt
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