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format with all the materials (and more) in the ARDA collection.
A web-site at http://public.carleton.edu/~mschardi/
For the old warhorses of Reformed Druidism:
For the old warhorses of Reformed Druidism:
For the old warhorses of Reformed Druidism:
For the old warhorses of Reformed Druidism:
For the old warhorses of Reformed Druidism:
also has copies of these files available for downloading and ready to
Well it s here. What can you do with it? (Rude jokes aside, now)
print on a double-sided laser-printer.
1. Use it as evidence that I ve gone mad and write long detailed
letters proving it. Make sure to send me copies, via the Archives.
If this web site becomes unavailable, visit the main Carleton page at
2. Make a copy for your local university s reference section.
http://www.carleton.edu and search for the Carleton Ar-
3. When someone asks you about Druidism, throw this book at
them. Whether they read it or not isn t the point.
4. Keep it around as a handy portable archives.
5. Door stop or paperweight or boat anchor.
Other Sources on the RDNA
Well, if you really liked Isaac s Druid Chronicles (Evolved), you ll
If you are not satisfied with my presentation of the Reform, or you
find most of those materials are still in here. The introductions,
feel that I was biased (which I probably am), then you may wish a
commentaries and endnotes have been heavily edited or lengthened
second opinion. Excerpts are included in an appendix of A General
to put them in my perspective of the Reform s long history. Heck,
History of Reformed Druidism in Part Eight of this collection. Al-
you might even want to try the study course that I suggested. There
though we are not famous, there have been many other attempts to
are significant additions that you may find interesting to inspect:
analyze and discuss Reformed Druidism. I will list them in decreas-
ing order of usefulness.
1. Historiographies on most of the publications.
2. Eleven new books to the Apocrypha that dialogue with the origi- Margot Adler s Drawing Down the Moon, 1978, 1986, 0-8070-3253-0
Margot Adler s Drawing Down the Moon, 1978, 1986, 0-8070-3253-0
Margot Adler s Drawing Down the Moon, 1978, 1986, 0-8070-3253-0
Margot Adler s Drawing Down the Moon, 1978, 1986, 0-8070-3253-0
Margot Adler s Drawing Down the Moon, 1978, 1986, 0-8070-3253-0
nal contents.
The definitive work on the Neo-Pagan movement, it has almost a
3. Many versions of the Liturgy that you haven t seen.
full chapter on the RDNA and its offshoot, Ar nDraiocht Fein. A
4. Carleton s calendrical system and additional trivia of Part Four.
copy should belong in your library.
5. The Green Book, rarely seen outside of the Carleton Grove
6. A General History of Reformed Druidism.
Daniel Hansen s American Druidism: A Guide to American Druid
Daniel Hansen s American Druidism: A Guide to American Druid
Daniel Hansen s American Druidism: A Guide to American Druid
Daniel Hansen s American Druidism: A Guide to American Druid
Daniel Hansen s American Druidism: A Guide to American Druid
7. The Books of the Latter-Day Druids
8. All the past Druid Chroniclers, for free and in one sitting.
Although it has quite a bit about the RDNA, it would not be a good
book to compare my opinions against as I had a great deal to do with
getting that book published. But it is a very good book nonetheless.
Religious Encyclopedias
Religious Encyclopedias
Religious Encyclopedias
Religious Encyclopedias
Religious Encyclopedias
Scanty, but possibly interesting. Most relying upon old second hand
sources. See the appendices of Part Eight.
Bonewits Real Magic 0-87728-688-4
Bonewits Real Magic 0-87728-688-4
Bonewits Real Magic 0-87728-688-4
Bonewits Real Magic 0-87728-688-4
Bonewits Real Magic 0-87728-688-4
Bonewits was a major voice in the history of the Reform, and this
is a book that sheds a great deal of light on his worldview. There is a
small chapter analyzing Reformed Druidic worship rituals in light of
his theories. First published in 1971, updated 1989.
International Druid Archives
International Druid Archives
International Druid Archives
International Druid Archives
International Druid Archives
This is the Reform s own collection of its historical documents
and you can try to reconstruct your own opinion or pursue further
examination of certain aspects of Reformed Druidism. They have
tapes, magazines, letters, interviews and other RDNA publications
in addition to material on ADF, Keltria and other offshoot groups.
For more information write to the Carleton Archives, RE: Inter-
national Druid Archives, 300 North College Street, Northfield, Min-
nesota, 55057.
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