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her. I do this on the off chance that someone can see you. That they see your pleasure and your
passion, and most of all, they see that both belong to me.
Ivar. The sinuous undulation of her hips as she ground herself against him was beautiful to
watch in the pale new light of day. She was his idea of poetry in motion, and he only wanted it to
continue. Without breaking his rhythm below, his other hand at her breast alternately tugged and
rolled its velvety peak, and his pulse doubled when her hand came up and pressed hard over his.
So she was still able to speak to him, after all. He had to admit, he admired her fluency in
body language.
Your skin is so soft. Like silk. And you taste like heaven. He skimmed his mouth along the
curve where shoulder sloped into neck, then savored her with his tongue as he made his way to her
ear. She shuddered, her movements against him growing urgent even as she turned her head to blindly
seek his mouth.
The heavy throbbing in his cock made his lungs shrivel and his head swim as he gave her what
she wanted. He toyed with her tongue while stroking her faster, and when she moaned down his throat
his excitement grew to excruciatingly delicious levels. Come for me, ma trésor. Show me you like
what I can do for you. Show me you want me.
More& Little quakes began to shake her body as the sensations began to reach for that
cresting wave he was pushing her to ride. You& more&
I promise you will get whatever you want from me.
No. Want you& for more than just& just& this. Her last word ended on a helpless cry as
at last her climax slammed into her full force. But even as he wrapped an arm around her so she
wouldn t fall, her words exploded like grenades in his head. Without conscious thought guiding him,
he propped her hands against the window to steady her, fished a condom out of his pocket and
applied it before kicking his pants out of the way. But even as he spread her legs farther apart and
entered her so powerfully his hips slammed into her ass, the reverberations of her statement or at
least the meaning behind it gripped him with a fierce warmth that burned his eyes and tightened his
chest until he couldn t breathe.
She wanted him for more than pleasure.
She wanted him for more than just this moment.
She wanted more.
Of him.
Something miraculous glowed deep inside, a sensation that was at first unfamiliar. But as the
soothing feeling bloomed in every cell, he realized it was the healing of a wound he didn t know he
had. Because of those simple words, he didn t have to shut his own needs off to concentrate only on
what she needed. He could allow himself to take as well as give, and he wouldn t be hated for it. He
didn t have to worry that she d reject him no matter how perfect he tried to be. She wanted him. Not
just for sex. Not just for what she could get out of him.
He was what she wanted.
All of him.
Even his demons.
A broken sound escaped his throat as he pulled her hips wildly back into him, and it was a
sound he d never heard from himself before. Then another one came as he pumped hard into her, then
another, and it finally dawned on him that the restraints he d lashed around every emotion he had in
order to survive had snapped. It was terrifying and exhilarating and everything in between, and he
couldn t help but think that this was what it must be like to be brought back to life. Everything was so
new it hurt, in the sweetest and most devastating way, and he wanted to feel everything at once even if
that amount of sensory input killed him. He didn t care. He couldn t care about anything except the
woman rearing back into his thrusts to bring him in as far as he would go. She wanted him for more
than this. He was worth something more to her than this&
The white-hot depths gloving him tightened the faster he pushed, and he half-lay on her back
as he came, almost losing the strength in his legs under a wave of pure, mind-melting bliss. But even
as his orgasm took its sweet time floating him back down to earth, the intoxicating glow didn t fade. If
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