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* * * *
A third knock came from the door, and Christiana jerked it open. Blane stood there, his
eyes hidden behind those dark shades she d seen him wear at the club. The rest of him looked
handsome in a dark suit and tie. It was the first expensive outfit she d seen him wear, but it
didn t match the strange anxiety radiating from him.
Hi, she offered, hoping for a peaceful evening.
He smiled, but quickly hid it. The emotional aura around him didn t change. You look
Ready to go?
Let me grab my shoes. Christiana slipped on a pair of black heels that matched her
strapless black dress, then walked out the door, letting him close it behind her.
The ride to the Palazzo Cà Zenobio, the hotel site of the Luna di Anima, was almost
completely silent. While Blane s mood kept shifting, he didn t so much as blink in her direction.
It was as if he were afraid to look at her.
When they arrived, the limo slowed to wait its turn at the black entrance canopy. The
hotel was a swarm of vampire leaders from all over the world, each competing to make the
biggest show of power. All of the talk, however, revolved around the new vampiro padrone,
Michael, from Florida and his strange garante, Jonas. She was glad to see them all interested and
slightly afraid of the duo. Perhaps Michael would have fewer challenges to his new position than
he d anticipated.
As they sat at the long banquet table for the opening meeting, Khalil waved Christiana
toward the head of the table. It had been months since she d seen her creator, but he looked as
handsome as ever in his dark green sherwani suit. He, like the other vampires who had been
humans from the Middle East, made the Caucasian vampires look positively blanched. The
remainder of their tanned skin made it easier for them to pass for human when they were fully
fed, which was the case with Khalil tonight. The appearance was a trait she d wished for many
times over, but her pale skin had only paled further with the change.
Welcome home, Christiana. Khalil took her hand.
She pulled their joined hands toward her face, flipped them, and kissed the inside of his
wrist as she always did. The formal greeting had to be adhered to by their padrone, especially in
He smiled warmly, then cradled her hand in his. He kissed her wrist, which was an honor
seldom bestowed on subordinates. It broke protocol and honored the progeny beyond their
station. Still, Christiana watched his lips drag across her skin while his warm fingers held her
lightly. Such an intimate gesture.
For so long, she d wished for him to caress her entire body that way. Even when she d
begged and pleaded, he d treated her with chaste kindness. He d been a perfect gentleman, a real
father. But that was when she was young. Now, she appreciated the effort it must have taken, and
couldn t thank him enough for being such a responsible creatore.
Khalil stood straight and gave her a warm smile. You have good news from America?
Yes. Michael s newest cosca member has a great deal of control. I think she will be an
asset to the Council. Your decision to keep her with her creatore was a wise one, as always.
Jonas didn t leave me many options. Khalil glanced toward the couple, who wandered
toward their seats on the left side of the table and laughed. The sound danced around them like a
tangible thing. There s quite a change in him. It goes deeper than his appearance. He may
surpass us all, I fear.
Christiana watched his face. There was genuine concern and fear coming from him, even
though his face was a perfect mask. He knew something he wasn t sharing.
It is time, little one. Khalil turned toward his seat.
He looked back over his shoulder to her, and waited for her to move closer.
She whispered, Michael assigned a bodyguard to me. Blane. Would you tell him to
stand down?
His eyebrows rose. You only arrived here.
Khalil grinned. And Blane already has you begging for him to leave.
She didn t answer.
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