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Casmir pulled at his chin. Surely you did not perform this function on the
Sire, haste and duty make heroes of us all!
Interesting. Casmir poured wine from the beechwood flask into one of the
mugs. He gestured toward the second chair. Be seated, good Robaif, and
divulge your tidings in comfort.
Robalf gingerly perched his thin haunches upon the edge of the chair. Sire, I
met with Torqual at the appointed place. I delivered your summons, that he
must come to Lyonesse Town, using your words and speaking with your kingly
authority. I bade him make ready at once, that we might ride the Trompada
south together.
And his response?
It was enigmatic. At first he spoke not at all, and I wondered if he had ever
heard my voice.
Then he uttered these words: I will not go to Lyonesse Town.
.txt (12 of 256) [1/17/03 8:02:27 PM]
I remonstrated with all urgency, citing again Your Majesty s command. Torqual
at last spoke a message for your ears.
Ho ha! muttered Casmir. Did he now? What was the message?
I must warn, Sire, that he used little tact and scamped the appropriate
Never mind. Speak the message. Casmir drank from his beechwood mug.
First of all, he sent his best and most fervent regards, and his hopes for
Your Majesty s continued good health: that is to say, he addressed certain odd
sounds to the wind and this is how
I interpreted their sense. He then stated that only fear for his life
precluded full and instant obedience to Your Majesty s instructions. He then
made a request for funds either of silver or of gold, in quantity adequate to
his needs, which he described as large.
Casmir compressed his lips. Is that the whole of his message?
No, Sire. He stated that he would be overjoyed for the privilege of meeting
with Your Majesty, should you deign to visit a place called Mook s Tor. He
supplied directions for arriving at this place, which I will communicate as
Your Majesty requires.
Page 14
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Not at the moment. Casmir leaned back in the chair. To my ears, this
message carries a flavor of casual insolence. What is your opinion?
Robalf frowned and licked his lips. Your Majesty, I shall render my frank
assessment, if that is what you wish.
Speak, Robaif! Above all, I value frankness.
Very well, Your Majesty. I apprehend in Torqual s conduct not so much
insolence as indifference mixed with a dark twist of humour. He would seem to
live in a world where he is alone with Fate;
where all other persons, your august self and I as well, are no more than
colored shadows, to use a flamboyant figure. In short, rather than indulging
in purposeful insolence, Torqual cares nothing one way or another for your
royal sensi bilities. If you are to deal with him, it must be on this basis.
Such, at least, is my belief. Robalf looked sidewise toward Casmir, whose
face gave no clue as to his emotions.
Casmir spoke at last, in a voice reassuringly mild. Does he intend to do my
bidding or not? That is the most important matter of all.
Torqual is unpredictable, said Robalf. I suspect that you will find him no
more malleable in the future than in the past.
Casmir gave a single curt nod. Robalf, you have spoken to the point, and
indeed have clarified the mysteries surrounding this perverse cutthroat, at
least to some small extent.
I am happy to be of service, Sire.
For a moment Casmir ruminated, then asked: Did he render any account of his
So he did, but somewhat as afterthought. He told of taking Castle Glen Gath,
killing Baron Nols and his six sons; he mentioned the burning of Maltaing
Keep, seat of Baron Ban Oc, during which occasion all within were consumed by
the flames. Both of these lords were staunch in the service of King Aillas.
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