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- Herbert James Szczury 1 Szczury
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- James Axler Deathlands 035 Bitter Fruit
- James Hutton The Man Who Found Time
- Grippando James Jack Swyteck 05 To coś
- James_Grippando_ _Jack_Swyteck_03_ _Last_to_Die
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occasion on which he had ever known a man to use his latest breath
in asking for blessings on those "who persecuted him." At first,
Peter was astounded. Then the sublime principles had their effect,
and his heart was deeply touched with what he heard. How far the
Holy Spirit aided these better feelings, it might be presumptuous,
on the one hand, to say; while, on the other, it will be equally
presuming to think of denying the possibility--nay, the probability-
-that the great change which so suddenly came over the heart of
Peter was produced by more than mere human agencies. We know that
this blessed Spirit is often poured out, in especial cases, with
affluent benevolence, and there can be no sufficient reason for
supposing this savage might not have been thus signally favored, as
soon as the avenues of his heart opened to the impulses of a
generous humanity. The very qualities that would induce such a being
to attempt the wild and visionary scheme of vengeance and
retribution, that had now occupied his sleeping and waking thoughts
for years, might, under a better direction, render him eminently fit
to be the subject of divine grace. A latent sense of right lay
behind all his seeming barbarity, and that which to us appears as a
fell ferocity, was, in his own eyes, no less than a severe justice.
The words, the principles, the prayers, and, more than all, the
EXAMPLE of the missionary, wrought this great change, so far as
human agencies were employed; but the power of God was necessary to
carry out and complete this renewal of the inner man. We do not mean
that a miracle was used in the sudden conversion of this Indian to
better feelings, for that which is of hourly occurrence, and which
may happen to all, comes within the ordinary workings of a Divine
Providence, and cannot thus be designated with propriety; but we do
wish to be understood as saying, that no purely human power could
have cleared the moral vision, changed all the views, and softened
the heart of such a man, as was so promptly done in the case of
Peter. The way had been gradually preparing, perhaps, by the means
already described, but the great transformation came so suddenly and
so powerfully as to render him a different being, as it might almost
be, in the twinkling of an eye! Such changes often occur, and though
it may suit the self-sufficiency of the worldling to deride them, he
is the wisest who submits in the meekest spirit to powers that
exceed his comprehension.
In this state of mind, then, Peter left the band as soon as the fate
Page 251
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
of the missionary was decided. His immediate object was to save the
whites who remained, Gershom and Dorothy now having a place in his
good intentions, as well as le Bourdon and Margery. Although he
moved swiftly, and nearly by an air-line, his thoughts scarce kept
company with his feet. During that rapid walk, he was haunted with
the image of a man, dying while he pronounced benedictions on his
There was little in common between the natural objects of that
placid and rural scene and the fell passions that were so actively
at work among the savages. The whole of the landscape was bathed in
the light of a clear, warm summer's day. These are the times when
the earth truly seems a sanctuary, in spots remote from the haunts
of men, and least exposed to his abuses. The bees hum around the
flowers, the birds carol on the boughs and from amid their leafy
arbors, while even the leaping and shining waters appear to be
instinct with the life that extols the glory of God.
As for the family near the palisaded hut, happiness had not, for
many a month, been so seated among them, as on this very occasion.
Dorothy sympathized truly in the feelings of the youthful and
charming bride, while Gershom had many of the kind and affectionate
wishes of a brother in her behalf. The last was in his best attire,
as indeed were the females, who were neatly though modestly clad,
and Gershom had that air of decent repose and of quiet enjoyment,
which is so common of a Sabbath with the men of his class, among the
people from whom he sprung. The fears lately excited were
momentarily forgotten. Everything around them wore an air so placid;
the vault above them was so profoundly tranquil; the light of day
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