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essentially admitted he had strayed, message rather than kill the messenger. posing as authoritative knowledge,
acknowledging his piece of the mess. But we haven t talked about the rea- snuffs out curiosity and the eagerness
His strategic handling of the situation sons that someone might want to take to question. Callousness, sometimes
allowed him to return the campaign s these risks. portrayed as the thick skin of experi-
focus to policy issues. Though both at- Of course, many people who strive for ence, shuts out compassion for others.
tacks were extremely personal, only high-authority positions are attracted to The hard truth is that it is not possi-
Clinton understood that they were basi- power. But in the end, that isn t enough ble to know the rewards and joys of
cally attacks on positions he represented to make the high stakes of the game leadership without experiencing the
and the role he was seeking to play. worthwhile. We would argue that, when pain as well. But staying in the game
Do not underestimate the difficulty they look deep within themselves, peo- and bearing that pain is worth it, not
of distinguishing self from role and ple grapple with the challenges of lead- only for the positive changes you can
responding coolly to what feels like a ership in order to make a positive dif- make in the lives of others but also for
personal attack particularly when the ference in the lives of others. the meaning it gives your own.
criticism comes, as it will, from people When corporate presidents and vice
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anchor that will keep you from running winning in the marketplace. They may
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