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Altar, The (1633) 35 5 Bierce, Ambrose (1842 1914?) 62
American Graffiti (1973) 65 Birth of a Nation, The (1915) 57
Angel at My Table, An (1984) 73 Blake, William (1757 1827) 33, 70
Apuleius (second century AD) 9 Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313 75) 12,
Arcadia (c. 1580) 69 67
Aristophanes (c. 448 380 BC) 101 Bogart, Humphrey (1899 1957) 60
Aristotle (384 22 BC) 43, 47, 81, Boyz N the Hood (1991) 58
85 Bradstreet, Anne (c. 1612 72) 70
Armies of the Night (1968) 11 Brando, Marlon (1924 ) 54
As You Like It (c. 1599) 54 Brecht, Bertolt (1898 1956) 83
Atwood, Margaret (1939 ) 11, 23 Brontë, Charlotte (1816 55) 18, 71
4, 72, 103 104 Brontë, Emily (1818 48) 40, 71
Auden, W.H. (1907 73) 31 1 Burns, Robert (1759 96) 32
Auguries of Innocence (c. 1803) 33 Butler, Judith (1956 ) 97
Austen, Jane (1775 1817) 21
Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The (1919) 58 Dickens, Charles (1812 70) 12, 21,
Canterbury Tales, The (c. 1387) 12, 67 71
Cantos, The (1915 70) 71 Dictionary of the Chasars, The (1984)
Capote, Truman (1924 84) 11 89
Cask of Amontillado, The (1846) Divina Commedia, La or Divine Comedy
84 (c. 1307 21) 9
Catastrophe (1982) 49 Do the Right Thing (1989) 58
Catcher in the Rye, The (1951) 21, 90 Don Quixote (1605; 1615) 10
Cervantes, Miguel de (1547 1616) Double Indemnity (1944) 58
10 Double or Nothing (1971) 72
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c. 1343 1400) Dracula (1897) 11
12, 67 Dryden, John (1631 1700) 44, 69
Children of Violence (1952 69) 11 Dylan, Bob (1941 ) 29
Chopin, Kate (1851 1904) 71
Christie, Agatha (1890 1976) 11
Easter Wings (1633) 35
Cinderella (1899) 57
Ecclesiastical History of the English
Citizen Kane (1941) 60
People (731) 67
Cixous, Hélène (1937 ) 97
Eco, Umberto (1932 ) 100 6
Clarissa (1748 49) 10 11, 70
Edible Woman, The (1969) 24
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772 Eisenstein, Sergei (1898 1948) 57,
1834) 31 1, 40, 70
Color Purple, The (1980) 72
Elegy Written in a Country Church
Congreve, William (1670 1729) 44
Yard (1751) 29, 31, 39
Conrad, Joseph (1857 1924) 13
Eliot, George;
Country Wife, The (1675) 44
real name:
Cromwell, Oliver (1599 1658) 44,
Mary Ann Evans (1819 80) 11,
Crooklyn (1994) 60
Eliot, T.S. (1888 1965) 5, 71
Crucible, The (1953) 46
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803 82)
Crying of Lot 49, The (1966) 72
70 71
Cuccu (c. 1250) 29
Enrico, Robert (1931 2001) 62
cummings, e.e. (1894 1962) 36 6
Essay on Criticism, An (1711) 37
Euphues (1578) 69
Dante Alighieri (1265 1321) 9
David Copperfield (1849 50) 21
Faerie Queene, The (1590; 1596) 9,
Dean, James (1931 55) 54
Decamerone, II (c. 1349 51) 12, 67
Fall of the House of Usher, The
Defoe, Daniel (1660 1731) 10 11,
(1840) 24
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner (1946
Derrida, Jacques (1930 ) 88
82) 58
Faulkner, William (1897 1962) 23, Harriot, Thomas (c. 1560 1621) 95
71 Harris, Julie (1925 ) 54
Fear of Flying (1973) 72 Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804 64)
Federman, Raymond (1928 ) 72 71
Fielding, Henry (1707 54) 10 11, Heart of Darkness (1902) 13
70 Hemingway, Ernest (1899 1961)
Finnegans Wake (1939) 71 19, 73
Fitzgerald, F.Scott (1896 1940) 22 Henry IV, King (c. 1597) 43
Fleming, Victor (1883 1949) 59 Henry V, King (c. 1600) 54
Fowles, John (1926 ) 72 Herbert, George (1593 1633) 35 5
Frame, Janet (1924 ) 73 Herodotus (c. 480 425 BC) 75
Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus Herzog, Werner (1942 ) 58
(1818) 90 High Noon (1952) 62
Frazer, J.G. (1854 1941) 83 Higher Learning (1995) 61
French Lieutenant s Woman, The (1969) Histories (fifth century 6 BC) 75
72 Hoffmann, E.T.A. (1772 1822) 91
Freud, Sigmund (1856 1939) 23, Homer (c. seventh century BC) 7
90 7
Frogs, The (c. 405 BC) 101
Iliad (c. seventh century BC) 7
Frost, Robert (1874 1963) 38
Importance of Being Earnest, The (1895)
Frye, Northrop (1912 91) 83 84
In a Station of the Metro (1916)
Godard, Jean-Luc (1930 ) 58 34
Golden Ass, The (second century AD) In Cold Blood (1966) 11
9 Iser, Wolfgang (1926 ) 91
Golden Bough, The (1890 1915) 83
Gramsci, Antonio (1891 1937) 94
Jakobson, Roman (1896 1982) 82
Gray, Thomas (1716 71) 29, 31, 39
James, Henry (1843 1916) 71
Great Gatsby, The (1925) 22
Jane Eyre (1847) 18
Great Train Robbery, The (1903) 61
Jarmusch, Jim (1953 ) 64
Greenblatt, Stephen (1943 ) 95
Job (c. fifth-fourth century BC) 12
Griffith, D.W. (1875 1948) 57
Jong, Erica (1942 ) 72
Grimmelshausen, Hans Jacob
Joseph Andrews (1742) 10
Christoph von (c. 1621 76) 11
Joyce, James (1882 1941) 22 4,
Gulliver s Travels (1726) 11
71, 79, 90
Gulliver s Travels (1901; Méliès) 57
Jung, C.G. (1875 1961) 84, 109 6,
Habermas, Jürgen (1929 ) 94
Hamlet (c. 1601) 24, 43 44, 90
Keats, John (1795 1821) 29, 33 3,
Handmaid s Tale, The (1985) 11, 72,
70, 86
103 9
Killers, The (1946) 58
Kingston, Maxine Hong (1940 ) 72 Merchant of Venice, The (c. 1596 8)
Koran (c. seventh century AD) 75 49
Koyaanisqatsi (1983) 62 Metropolis (1926) 58
Kristeva, Julia (1941 ) 97 Midsummer Night s Dream, A (1595)
Kubla Khan (1816) 40 51
Kubrick, Stanley (1928 99) 59, 62 Mill on the Floss, The (1860) 11
Miller, Arthur (1915 ) 46
Milton, John (1608 74) 9, 69, 90
Lacan, Jacques (1901 81) 91
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research
Lady in the Lake (1946) 61
Papers (2003) 115, 131
Lang, Fritz (1890 1976) 58
MLA International Bibliography (since
Langland, William (c. 1330 c. 1386)
1921) 103, 105, 116
40, 67
Moby Dick (1851) 18, 22, 71
Leaves of Grass (1855 92) 71
Moll Flanders (1722) 11
Lee, Spike (1957 ) 58 8
Montgomery, Robert (1904 81) 61
Legend of Rip Van Winkle, The (1905;
Morrison, Toni (1931 ) 72
Méliès) 57
Morte d Arthur, Le (1470) 67
Lessing, Doris (1919 ) 11, 72
Mrs Dalloway (1925) 23, 25 6, 64,
Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1908 ) 83
71, 105
Literay Research Guide (1998) 106
Murder on the Orient Express (1934) 11
Long Day s Journey into Night (c. 1941;
Murders in the Rue Morgue, The
published 1956) 52, 90
(1841) 92
Lost in the Funhouse (1968) 72
Mystery Train (1989) 64
Lucas, George (1944 ) 65
Lukács, Georg (1885 1971) 94
Lyly, John (c. 1554 1606) 69 Nabokov, Vladimir (1899 1977) 5
Lyrical Ballads (1798) 70 7
Native Son (1940) 72
Nature (1836) 70
Magritte, René (1898 1967) 52
New York Review of Books, The (since
Mailer, Norman (1923 ) 11
1963) 99
Malory, Thomas (c. 1408 71) 67
New York Times Book Review, The (since
Man, Paul de (1918 83) 88
1896) 99
Marlowe, Christopher (1564 93)
New Yorker, The (since 1925) 12
43, 69
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