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and savor Ryan's blood as it hit the ground?
Drill Sergeants Connelly and King looked on half amused.
For fucks sake, Freckles, what are you fucking waiting for? Should I send out engraved
invitations? Phillip tormented him.
That was it. Ryan moved quicker than he thought he could and made it to the other
man just in time to see the sky and sun beat down on his face, a position that should have been
physically impossible since he was standing on his feet. A sudden flip and he had a face full of
wood chips and a heavy knee in his back.
Now, does anyone know where Freckles fucked up?
Ryan knew where he fucked up. He fucked up when he decided to join the Army and
got assigned to Drill Sergeant fucking Grabowski.
After Phillip went through all of the things Ryan did wrong he stood up and settled with
his back on the ground.
Ryan rose slowly and stretched out his back. That kinda fucking hurt. But the picture
Grabowski made caused Ryan's mouth to drool. The man was put together better than most
gods and Ryan wasn't stupid enough to deny that fact. He had just gotten himself under control
when he heard Grabowski speak.
Alright Freckles, mount me. Again with that stupid, freaking smirk.
Ryan blinked, then blinked again. He couldn't believe he heard that. Of course the smirk
on Grabowski's face made him want to run back to the barracks and barricade himself in.
He slipped over the bigger man's body until he was settled against hips and stomach.
Good God! He wasn't a blushing virgin by any means. He could do this. His hands were
grasping the other man's shoulder. He figured it probably wasn't a good idea to really want to
feel the flesh under his hand but damn, it was firm.
Got a good hold, Freckles? Phillip asked.
Ryan wasn't a small man by any means but having his body on top of Phillip made him
feel like a shrimp. He was completely annoyed with that fact. Green eyes clashed with hazel.
Yes, Drill Sergeant.
Are you sure? he asked again. Ryan could practically taste the skepticism.
The bastard was toying with him.
His grasp hardened and he held on tight. I'm sure, Drill Sergeant Grabowski. Ryan
smirked. He should have known better.
The object of this exercise is to get your opponent off of you in a timely manner. This is
the trap-and-roll, Phillip explained. So Freckles has me down, he's trying to keep me down.
His hips bucked forward and he grinned when Ryan's eyes widened.
This was not the kiss but it damn well could have been. He could feel every hard plane
of the Drill s body. His hold was strong and the bucking didn't cause much to happen.
You will want to lift your back up and buck has hard as you can. He proceeded to show
them. His back lifted off the ground and Ryan was pitched forward.
Ryan's hands were pulled off Phillip so easily he felt like he was a child getting caught in
the cookie jar.
With one hand, grab their wrist tightly. As he explained he demonstrated to them.
The other hand will come up to the opposite shoulder and grasp it lightly. You won't need a
firm grip.
The way Ryan lay he could smell that musky scent that was solely Phillip's. He nearly
whimpered when the smell went straight to his dick. This was so not good. Rolling around with
the man he was secretly lusting over did not make Ryan feel better. I am a fucking twenty-two-
year old man who can and will control his dick. With that thought he steeled himself for the next
Thrust upwards again. Holy fucking shit. This was going to kill Ryan. He was starting
to think that Grabowski was torturing him just to be an asshole.
Now lift your foot over the ankle on the same side of the wrist you re holding and trap
it there. He did it and Ryan let out a soft moan. It wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear but
him and judging by the look on Phillip's face he also heard it.
FUCKKK! Ryan would have happily died right then and there. Maybe the next move,
Phillip would actually kill him. That would be great. Or hey, if he were lucky maybe the earth
would crack open and swallow them both. The fucker was enjoying this.
Phillip smirked and bucked up again. Buck forward, pulling them closer at the same
time and this time roll to the side, taking them with you. Suddenly the position drastically
changed. Phillip was between Ryan's spread thighs, pressing his hard body against Ryan. Ryan
was flat on his back, with the Sergeant's lower body pushing into his and his upper body leaning
backwards. Keep your body away from there and hold this position. Ryan's legs wrapped
around the larger man, but the hand holding the arm across his neck tightened, until he thought
for sure he would end up suffocating. Thankfully that hold made him forget his cock for a
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