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learn a few from Buz Breton. The uncomfortable feelings coursing through her body accentuated the idea that Krys
and Jaret would have a long list of grievances against her the next time she saw them.
A barmaid, the same species as the bartender, arrived with two foaming glasses. ShallaMai took a big swig of the
drink before her, wiped a bit of foam from her lips, and smiled coyly at the ugly pilot. That was heavenly.
Dena followed ShallaMai s lead and took a big swig of the drink before her. If she thought the food on these strange
worlds was miserable, the drink that the pilot provided was worse. She spit it back up, hitting the pilot.
Look what you have done!
She didn t mean to anger you, ShallaMai grabbed a napkin and dabbed at the man s clothing. Don t blame her for
being nervous. A big, strong man like yourself can be intimidating.
How ShallaMai could flirt so openly with him was beyond her, but the man s tone changed dramatically. You re
prettier anyway. Send her away.
Stop looking so miserable, you ll scare him away!
Dena jumped in surprise. She eyed ShallaMai, who was smiling at her. Apparently, telepathy was another secret of the
Tahn Rorians.
Dena, if you don t pay attention to this man, he won t think you are interested.
Dena laughed, which seemed to confuse the pilot. I m not!
file:///D|/Pub%20Folders/NCP%20Publishing/Text%20an%20HTML%20bks/AnnaleeBlysse%20StarlitDestiny%20NCP.htm[2/5/2009 4:21:20 PM]
Starlit Destiny
And you think I am? ShallaMai s eyebrow rose and she surreptitiously winked at Dena. Work with me, or we ll never
talk him into using his ship.
That drink was so --Dena lathered her words with the same lilting song ShallaMai used-- dangerous for a girl like
Dangerous, huh?
Much too hot. That was the truth. The drink was like an acid strong enough to melt her. Her tongue ached something
Like you. Dena hid her disgust by looking down at her hands while she spoke, holding her glass again and this time
sipping at the foul brew. She wasn t lying, both were about ready to make her gag. You are too much. My flesh
crawls at the thought of touching you.
ShallaMai laughed at her, causing the man some concern. She quickly made up for that by returning her attention to
him. You should take us to your ship now. We can talk about what you re going to get if you to bring us to Rheno in
You bet! The man left a cheap tip on the table and they left their booth.
* * * *
Breton s ship was parked in a docking bay not unlike the one Dena had seen before. She cringed when the man started
unbuttoning his shirt before the ramp had ascended.
Whoa, big stuff. ShallaMai was buttoning his shirt as she spoke. Bring us to Rheno. We ll pay for our passage.
You girls are sure sexy, but I can t head off for the frontier.
We d make it worth your while. Pay round trip, plus a bonus.
If I give you a ride, the man looked at her suspiciously. Do I still get mine?
You bring us to Rheno, ShallaMai said. I ll pay double what the trip is worth to you.
Double? What the hell! Breton said enthusiastically.
ShallaMai watched closely as the man punched a few commands into the Nav. You ve had a bit to drink. I can fly.
Do you mind?
Yeah, I mind, the man insisted. No one flies this ship but me. Double credits or not, maybe you two should put out
or get out. I m a busy man.
Dena was shocked when the man turned toward her, his hands reaching out and pawing at her. She grabbed the first
thing she could find and hit him in the head with all her might. He fell to the ground with a thud. She stopped feeling
guilty that they were basically stealing this man s ship.
So much for niceties, ShallaMai said. She reached down and felt for a pulse in his thick neck.
He touched me.
I noticed.
* * * *
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Starlit Destiny
With every minute that passed after the scheduled rendezvous with Laila Naciq there was a noticeable increase in
Krys level of agitation. If you don t try to contact her, I will.
Krys, she will be here.
He paced back and forth in the small cockpit, literally pushing Jaret out of his way. His friend pushed him back. If
anything happened, I--
Nothing has happened!
Blast! Krys plopped back down in his chair, taking out his zhel and setting it on the console before him. I ll never
forgive myself for letting you talk me into this fool idea.
I ll take full responsibility.
Krys appreciated that his friend s words didn t make light of the situation. But if anything happened to Dena, he
wouldn t be able to shuck the responsibility so easily. It would be his own damn fault. What the Tahn Ror will that
matter when she s in the hands of some murdering bastard? I should never have taken her off Lyask to begin with!
Jaret waited for a moment before speaking. Krys, they think we have the Tahn Rorian. The Command won t be
looking for anyone on Vertor. They re probably scrambling their forces looking for us after you revealed your true
identify when we were leaving Vertor.
I should have warned you that was my plan.
Yes, but I know why you did it. Jaret sighed.
Krys ignored the knowing look that Jaret tossed his way. There are worse bastards than the Command.
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