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and a fixt look downwards, as of one praying, also weeping, and such like, as are used by
an Austere, and Saturnine man, such an one as the Satyrist describes, saying,
With hang'd down head, with eyes fixed to the ground,
His raging words bites in, and muttering sound
He doth express with powting [pouting] lips -----
A cheerfull, and honest countenance, a worshipfull gesture, clapping of the hands, as of
one rejoycing [rejoicing], and praising; also the bending of the knee, with the head lifted
up, as of one that is worshiping, are ascribed to Jupiter. A sowre [sour], fierce, cruell,
angry, rough countenance, and gesture, are ascribed to Mars. Solary are honourable, and
couragious [courageous] gestures, and countenances: also walkings abroad, bending of
the knee, as of one honoring a King with one knee. Venereal, are dances, embraces,
laughters, amiable, and cheerfull countenances. Mercuriall are inconstant, quick,
variable, and such like gestures, and countenances. Lunary are such as are moveable,
poisonfull, and childish, and the like. And as we have spoke of gestures, so also are the
shapes of men distinct. For Saturne bespeaks a man to be of a black, and yellowish
colour, lean, crooked, of a rough skin, great veines, hairy all over his body, little eyes, of
a frowning forehead, of a thin beard, great lips, eyes intent upon the ground, of a heavy
gate [gait], striking his feet together as he walks, crafty, witty, a seducer, and murderous.
Jupiter signifies a man to be of a pale colour, darkish red, a handsome body, good stature,
bold, of great eyes, not black altogether, large pupill, short nostrils, not equall, great teeth
before, curld hair, of good disposition, and manners. Mars makes a man red, of a red hair,
round face, yellowish eyes, of a terrible, and sharp looks, bold, jocund, proud, crafty. The
Sun makes a man of a tauny [tawny] colour, betwixt yellow and black, dasht [dashed]
with red, of a short stature, yet of a handsome body, without much hair, and curld, of
yellow eyes, wise, faithfull, desirous of praise. Venus signifies a man to be tending
towards blackness, but more white, with mixture of red, of a handsome body, a fair, and
round face, fair hair, fair eyes, the blackness whereof is more intense, of good manners,
and honest love, also kind, patient, and jocund; Mercury signifies a man not much white,
or black, of a long face, high forehead, fair eyes, not black, to have a streight [straight],
and long nose, thin beard, long fingers, to he ingenious, a subtile inquisitor, turn-coat, and
subject to many fortunes. The Moon signifies a man to be in colour white, mixed with a
little red, of a fair stature, round face, with some marks in it, eyes not fully black,
frowning forehead, also kind, gentle, sociable.
The Signes also, and faces of Signes have their figures, and shapes, which he that would
know, must seek them out in books of Astrology. Lastly, upon these figures, and
gestures, Physiognomy, and Metoposcopy, arts of divination do depend: Also
Chyromancy [chiromancy], foretelling future events, not as causes, but as signes through
like effects, caused by the same cause. And although these divers kinds of divinations
may seem to be done by inferiour, and weak signes, yet the judgements of them are not to
be slighted, or condemned, when prognostication is made by them, not out of
superstition, but by reason of the harmoniacall correspondency of all the parts of the
body. Whosoever therefore doth the more exactly imitate the Celestiall bodies, either in
nature, study, action, motion, gesture, countenance, passions of the mind, and opportunity
of the season, is so much the more like to the heavenly bodies, and can receive larger
gifts from them.
Chapter liii. Of Divination, and its kinds.
There are some other kinds of divinations, depending upon naturall causes, which are
known to every one in his art, and experience, to be in divers things; by which Physitians
[physicians], husbandmen, shepheards [shepherds], Mariners, and every one of these out
of probable signes do Prognosticate. Many of these kinds Aristotle made mention of in
his Book of Times. Amongst which Auguria, and Auspicia are the chiefest, which were in
former time in such esteem amongst the Romanes, that they would do nothing that did
belong to private or publique [public] business without the counsell of the Augures:
Cicero also in his Book of Divinations largely declares, that the people of Tuscia would
do nothing without this art. Now there are divers kinds of Auspicia's: for some are called
Pedestria (i.e.) which are taken from four-footed beasts: Some are called Auguria, which
are taken from birds: Some are Celestiall, which are taken from thundrings, and
lightnings; some are called Caduca (i.e.) when any fell in the temple, or elsewhere; Some
were sacred, which were taken from sacrifices. Some of these were called Piacula, and
sad Auspicia, as when a sacrifice escaped from the Altar, or being smitten made a
bellowing, or fell upon another part of his body then he should. To these is added
Exauguration, viz., when the rod fell out of the hand of the Augure, with which it was the
custome to view, and take notice of the Aupicium. Michael Scotus makes mention of
twelve kinds of Auguria's, viz. Six on the right hand, the names of which he saith are
Fernova, Fervetus, Confert, Emponenthem, Sonnasarnova, Sonnasarvetus: and the other
six on the left hand, the names of which are, Confernova, Confervetus, Viaram,
Herrenam, Scassarnova, and Scassarvetus. Then expounding their names, he saith,
Fernova is an Augurium; when thou goest out of thy house to do any business, and in
going thou seest a man, or a bird going, or flying, so that either of them set himself before
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