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In the ordinary course of events, the personal aether and life
force of Kia disintegrate as the material body disintegrates.
New beings are built up from the pool of the universal life force
in the same way that they are built up from the universal pool of
matter. The personal life force then finds its way back into
incarnation broken up into millions of parts scattered into
many beings.
The adept magician however will have so strengthened his
spirit by magic that it is possible for him to carry it over whole
into a new body. In an exceptional display of power it may even
be possible to retain specific memories in aether form. It is by
such a process that adepts achieve the final degree of
mastership. The supreme rituals of sex and death exist in three
forms: the Red, Black, and White Rites.
The Red Rite
This rite can only be performed by male adepts and is
performed when the adept's body has become very aged or
damaged. The adept takes a young, strong female and forms a
powerful love bond to her. He impregnates her and then during
the early stages of the pregnancy, within the first two months,
he voluntarily ends his present existence. The powers of the
adept developed in astral travel workings, coupled with the
effects of the love bond to the mother, cause a reincarnation
into the developing fetus. Provision is beforehand made for the
security of the female and the reeducation of the
reincarnating master.
The Black Rite
This rite consists of the forceful entry of a spirit into the body of
an already inhabited being. It is both dangerous and unreliable
and used only in certain peculiar and desperate situations. It
will sometimes result in there being a double life force in one
body, if the invading spirit fails to displace the occupant. In
this case the victim will seem to have gone mad. In any case
the memory of the taken-over being remains, and the
invading-being will have to work through this. Of this rite I
have been advised to say no more. . . .
The White Rite
In this rite an integral reincarnation is achieved, but the
receiving body is a fetus randomly selected by the escaping
spirit in astral flight. In the event that one's friends, followers,
and disciples might be unable to locate one's new manifestation
and ensure that it receives a proper magical education, it may be
wise to carry an aetheric marker. At death some sigil
emblematic of one's magical aspiration is fiercely visualized. It
may later be apparent to clairvoyant perception in the aetheric
constitution of the developing infant, or it may serve to cause
some recognition or affinity with the symbol if it is perchance
accidentally stumbled upon in the new existence.
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