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- Haas Derek Srebrny NiedĹşwiedĹş 01 Srebrny NiedĹşwiedĹş
- Carroll_Jonathan_ _Białe_Jabłka_01_ _Białe_jabłka
- Harry Harrison Stalowy Szczur 01 Narodziny Stalowego Szczura
- Anne McCaffrey Cykl JeĹşdĹşcy smokĂłw z Pern (01) JeĹşdĹşcy SmokĂłw
- Foster, Alan Dean Spellsinger 01 Spellsinger
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice Tarzan 01 Tarzan of the Apes
- Roberts Nora Gwiazdy Mitry 01 Zaginiona gwiazda
- Denise A Agnew [Daryk World 01] Daryk Hunter (pdf)
- Mackenzie Myrna W miescie marzen 01 Złodzieje marzeń (Harlequin Romans 1074)
- Bernard Veale [Frederick Huntsman 01] Read My Lips (retail) (pdf)
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quickly worked the buttons on his waistcoat open. It came undone and she attacked the
shirt beneath.
He reached to catch her hands, but she already had the shirt partly undone. She greedily
reached for her prize: his flat, masculine nipples. Her fingers stroked through his chest
hair until she found them; then she swayed forward and licked his nipples as he d done
the night before to hers, feeling vaguely triumphant that she d gained the upper hand so
soon. His hands fell away from where they had risen to catch her wrists. He caressed her
bottom instead.
His height was a hindrance to her she couldn t reach all that she wanted. So she pushed
him back into one of the armchairs by the fire. It was important to her that she win this
battle tonight.
He sprawled there, his shirt half-open in the firelight. She knelt between his outspread
legs and slid her hands into his shirt, all the way up to his shoulders; then her fingers
smoothed down his arms, taking the fabric with them. She pulled the shirt off him and let
it fall to the floor. That left her free to run her hands over his beautiful, muscled shoulders
and arms. She moaned her delight in finally being able to feel the power and warmth of
his body. She felt light-headed with anticipation.
He stirred and brought her hands to the front of his breeches. Her fingers trembled, but
she brushed his hands aside when he tried to help her. She pushed the concealed buttons
through their holes, feeling his erection growing all the while beneath her fingers; then
she reached inside to draw him out.
He was gorgeous. Thick and large, with pulsing veins that stood out along his shaft. A
swollen crest. The sight filled her with heat. She made a crooning sound in her throat and
spread the placket of his breeches as far as it would go so she could look at his chest and
stomach and penis. She adored the sight: the black wiry curls of his pubic hair, the thick
column, standing now to his navel, and the heavy sac of his testes beneath. His naked
skin gleamed, as if gilded by the firelight.
He growled and ran his fingers into the hair behind her head. He gently urged her mouth
down to his penis. For a moment, she hesitated. She d never . . . Did she dare? Then she
remembered their battle. This was but one skirmish, but it was important she win them all.
And besides, she was excited at simply the thought. It was this last that decided her.
Tentatively, she grasped his erection and brought it away from his belly to her lips. She
looked up. His face was flushed with arousal. Her eyelids lowered, and she enveloped the
crown of his penis in her mouth. His hips jerked when her tongue touched him, and she
felt the triumph rise in her again. She could control a man this way. She could control this
man. She glanced up again. He was watching her as she licked and suckled his manhood,
his ebony eyes glittering in the firelight. His fingers flexed in her hair.
She let her eyelids fall as she brought her mouth down as far as she could over his length.
Then she slowly pulled up, pursing her lips and sucking on the thick shaft as it withdrew
from her mouth. She heard him moan, and his pelvis arched convulsively. She licked
around the ridge below the head. It felt like chamois over iron and tasted of male musk,
the salt of sweat, and victory. Surely after this after tonight things would somehow be
different. She explored that area with her tongue for a while. Then she felt his hand cover
hers. He guided her fingers in a slow stroke up and down.
He groaned.
She moved her hand faster as he urged her to take his penis into her mouth again with a
nudge of his hips. This time when she drew back up to the head, she tasted a saline drop
at the tip. She licked the slit at the top to see if there was more. He groaned again. Anna
wriggled in excitement. She d never done anything so sexually stimulating in her life.
Her body was damp and slick, and her breasts seemed to throb with each groan she
wrung from him.
His hips began to move rhythmically as she worked him. The sensuous, liquid sounds of
her mouth on his body were explicit in the still room. Suddenly he bucked, gasping, and
tried to withdraw from her mouth. She wanted to feel his finish, though, wanted to
experience this intimacy together, wanted to be with him at his most vulnerable. She held
on and sucked more strongly. Tangy warmth filled her mouth. She almost came herself
with the knowledge that she d brought him complete satisfaction.
He sighed and bent down to draw her into his lap. They sprawled there for a while, the
fire in the grate snapping. She leaned her head on his shoulder and pulled her hair out of
her eyes with a hooked little finger. After a time, he drew her gown from her breasts.
Languidly, he played with her nipples, stroking and squeezing gently for many minutes.
Anna drifted, her eyes half closed.
Then he lifted her to pull the gown all the way off. He turned her around and settled her
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