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- Fabulous Creatures Mythical Monsters and Animal Power Symbols A Handbook
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a little weak.”
“Oh, sure,” Blondie said. “I’ll go and pull the covers down on
your bed.”
When Johnny walked into the bedroom, he was in for another
surprise. On the night stand were fresh flowers, and the air smelled
nice and clean. He looked at Blondie, amazed. “I can’t believe you’re
the same fresh punk kid that never gave anyone a straight answer.”
“I’ve also got freshly made iced tea in the refrigerator…with
lemon even,” he said proudly. “I hope you’re pleased.”
Kelly Conrad
Johnny looked at him remembering the sinister glitter of the blade
that was almost plunged into his chest only a few weeks ago. A few
weeks, hell. It was six weeks if it was a day. Yeah, he counted every
day, every week, every hour until he could be back on his feet. It
wasn’t only the longest, it was the most frustrating. He never got so
much pampering in his life. Wheelchairs, nurses, doctors, bags, white
walls, pills. And everybody smelled of anesthetic. God, he was sick of
it all. “Where’s the—” He choked. “The knife?”
“Back where I stole it from,” Blondie said, snickering.
“What’s so funny?”
“I’ve probably confused the hell out of the people at the diner.
Returning the knife, I mean. I sneaked in the kitchen and stuck it
upright on the butcher’s block. I’ll never forget the look on Mom’s
face when she saw it.” Blondie giggled. “God, I love doin’ that.”
Johnny smiled. It was good to be back with Blondie. Smart-
“Apparently you have a mischievous spirit.”
“Yeah, I guess. Hell, I’m just so glad you’re okay.”
As Johnny sat down on the bed, he said, “The doc said I’ll be fine
as long as I don’t do anything strenuous. He wouldn’t release me to
go back to work yet. So, I guess I’ll be spending a lot of time
here…for the next few days anyway.”
“What can I do for you? Do you need anything?”
“How about some of that world famous iced tea you were telling
me about?”
“You bet!” Blondie said, and rushed into the kitchen.
* * * *
Panther was on pins and needles regarding the Sheik. It had been
over a month now, and he knew the Sheik would be back on the
streets soon. Tonight, he stood gazing at the brownstone through the
gray ashen smoke from his cigar. The minute the Sheik came home
Sheik of the Streets
word had spread all over the ghetto. It took him a few days, but he
finally managed to make himself a nice little nest just across the street
where he kept his eyes peeled for some sign of the big bastard to find
out just how well he was getting along. Right now there were nothing
but dark silhouettes coming and going against the shade that was
drawn over the window, and his beady eyes watched every move. The
silhouette seemed a little familiar, making him wonder who it was. It
couldn’t be the Sheik. He might be doing good, but he sure as hell
wouldn’t be getting around that good. Oh, well, what the hell did he
care about who was staying with him? He had been hurt pretty bad, so
it wasn’t surprising that he would have someone there to help him. It
was probably a nurse, or a friend maybe.
But one thing bothered him.
He hadn’t seen Blondie since this thing began. He’d searched the
neighborhood, all his old haunts, but hadn’t found him. While
thinking about it, his gaze moved once more to the silhouette on the
shade, and suddenly it hit him like a bolt of lightning out of the blue.
He pushed the thought aside at first, thinking it surely couldn’t be, but
as he kept watching the silhouette move, he knew there was
something familiar about it. He had seen it before. And as he kept
watching it, it finally came to him.
He had found Blondie.
As he stood there watching, he got another surprise. Another
silhouette suddenly appeared on the shade. Someone who moved a
little slower. Someone bigger and deadlier than Blondie. It had to be
the Sheik. They stood looking at each other, talking.
And then, they embraced.
Panther’s eyes widened in surprise, causing him to abruptly spring
away from the building. He couldn’t believe it. Did he see their lips
meet in a kiss? In a fit of anger, he threw his cigar down, hearing the
faint sizzling sound it made on the wet pavement. He shook his head,
trying to wrap his mind around what he’d just seen!
Blondie was fuckin’ the Sheik?
Kelly Conrad
Oh, God! He had sent him out to kill the bastard, not to fuck him!
* * * *
Johnny pulled away and gazed into Blondie’s eyes. This was
something new to him. A new world that had opened up to him, and
he felt lost in it. He didn’t know which way to go, what to do, or if it
was even real.
“This is one hell of a situation,” Blondie whispered as he looked
longingly into Johnny’s eyes.
“We’ve got to make plans, Blondie. You’ve taken such good care
of me I seem to be getting stronger every day. I’m either going to
have to go back to work soon, or hand in my resignation.”
“If you do, what’ll we do? Where will we go?”
“I can join a carnival. Ride my motorcycle in a cage.”
“I’ll…I don’t know. I can do something, can’t I?”
Johnny smiled. “You can keep my bed warm.”
Blondie lowered his head, tears in his eyes. “Oh, God, Johnny, I
think I’ve ruined your life.”
Johnny reached down, and with a finger beneath his chin, he lifted
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