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responded by burying himself deeper, riding her harder, keeping them both on the edge of fulfillment.
"Julian, please," Desari found herself whispering, her body coiling tighter and tighter.
His mouth moved to her throat, his teeth nipping her skin, his tongue following. He laid a path of kisses
to the underside of her breast, and his teeth found tender skin, gave a brief bite followed by the moist
heat of his mouth. She gasped out his name, tried to free her arms so she could pull him to her, force him
to relieve her of the flames licking along her skin, the fire blazing out of control between her legs.
Julian held her still, his body thrusting deeper, the lines in his face etched with hunger. The wildness was
on him, the heat and need. He rode her long and hard, surging into her again and again. "I want you so
much, Desari, just like this, so wild with need you cannot be without me. Feel it, the fire between us, my
body in yours where I belong. I am part of you like your heart, like your breasts." He bent to lavish
attention on her nipples, pulling strongly with his mouth. "I never want this to end."
He was so hard and thick, swollen with his seed and the fury of the fire between them, that her body
seemed to be exploding, shock after shock ripping through her as if it would never cease, could never
cease. She cried out with the endless climax, afraid if it continued she would die of sheer pleasure.
Still-he went on, his mouth nuzzling her throat.
"I want you like this, crying out for me to release you but wanting it to go on for all eternity," he
whispered against her skin. "Pleading with me to end this, begging me to never stop. It is there in your
mind. I hear you, see your fantasies. I know each of them, and I will fulfill every one." His teeth pierced
her skin, in domination, in possession, white lightning streaking through her with blue heat.
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He took her completely, her mind and heart, her body and soul, her very blood, staking his claim as he
held her at her climax, until the firestorm consumed him and his body reacted to her desperate pleas. His
hips thrust again and again, burying him deep as he poured his seed into her, as he took the essence of
her life from her throat. His hand tangled in her hair, holding her still while his body raged its release,
taking hers with it, spinning out of control until there was no Desari or Julian, until they were ecstasy and
fire united as one.
Desari lay trapped beneath him, unable to believe the explosion between them, unable to believe he
could create such a mind-shattering response in her body. Even now ripple after ripple surged through
her, and her muscles convulsed and gripped at the thick length of him.
Julian lay for a moment, his mouth at her throat, before reluctantly closing the pinpricks. At once he bent
his head lower so that he could take possession of her breast. She was soft and firm, and with every
strong pull of his mouth, he could feel the answering rush of liquid heat between her legs from her very
core. Her body was so aroused, the merest brush of his fingers across her breasts had her gasping. He
moved his lips gently, without a hint of aggression, a soothing rhythm designed to ease her.
He could feel the grip of her velvet muscles surrounding him, the way her body clutched at his. He
continued to move gently, tenderly, alleviating any soreness his rough behavior had caused. "I love the
way you feel, Desari, so soft, your hair like silk. It is a miracle how you are put together." His hands
traced the supple muscles beneath her satin skin. "And I love the way you respond to me."
She linked her hands behind his head and closed her eyes, giving herself up to the gentle rocking of his
body, the velvet friction promising to relieve the terrible demands her body was still making. Julian rolled
them over in one smooth move, afraid his weight might be too much on her. At once Desari sat up,
shifting so that she could arch her back and ride him at her own pace. Each movement brought her closer
to her goal.
She liked watching his face, the satisfaction in his smile, the admiration in his golden gaze. His eyes were
riveted to her, taking in the line of her throat, her swaying hair and breasts. Julian made her feel infinitely
sexy as she rocked her hips, taking him deep within her, watching him watching her. Her body was
already rippling with pleasure. Desari threw her head back, her hair brushing across Julian's skin
intensifying his own reaction, so that he thrust deeply inside her, over and over, increasing the friction
between them until their next, even more shattering release. It was in perfect unison, tumbling them
together in a sea of color and beauty.
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