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Colophon: This prayer to Venerable Tara, in heart words making his own
requests and also non-deceptive to others, was composed by the Buddhist
Monk Lobsang Tenpey Gyaltsen, in his nineteenth year, the Water Mouse
year (1852), on the third say of the miracle month (second month of the
lunar calendar) at Bengar Namgyal Ling. It is sure to have great benefit.
Part IV Prayers in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition 322
Prayers to different Deities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
A deity for all reasons
Because this is universal love and compassion, accepting all, generous,
warmly encouraging, like the sun in the sky, extending in all directions,
pure, transcendent, and capable of manifesting in a multitude of ways to
benefit living beings, it is called
Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara;
May all share in these blessings& OM MANI PEME HUM
Because this is Divine Feminine energy, quick to respond,
with magical activity,
the equivalent of the patron saint of lost causes,
spiritual beauty bringing light, giving hope,
removing obstacles,
calming fear, pacifying suffering
bringing harmony to every surrounding circumstance,
bringing life, and happiness,
and being the sum of all optimism,
inspiring, positive energy,
enabling all the good things we would do to become effective,
to become fulfilled,
to become complete,
this is called Green Tara;
May all share in these blessings& OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA
Part IV Prayers in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition 323
Prayers to different Deities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
Because this is clear wisdom, causing Dharma to arise in the minds of
sentient beings, illuminating, cutting the bonds of suffering, and is the lord
of all doctors, the lord of speech, of writers and teachers, it is called
May all share in this benefit, and enjoy brilliant freedom and peace& OM
Because this is fierce, utterly victorious, powerful, undaunted, unrelenting,
of great strength, empowering all virtuous activity, and like a thunder-clap,
brilliant, awakening, healing, cutting away all that is superfluous- burdens
gone; and because this is protective, bringing a feeling of peace and safety,
this is called by the name of Vajrapani; and all other protectors; the essence
of all protectors;
May all beings have happiness& may all beings enjoy these blessings&
Because it is illuminating, warm, transcendent pure love, light, and freedom,
this is Amitabha;
May all beings enjoy this pure land& NAMO AMITABHA BUDDHA
Because this is love, it is Maitreya;
May all share in these blessings& OM BUDDHA MAITREYA MEM
Because this is birthless and deathless, and giving long life, it is Amitayus;
May all share in these blessings& OM AMITAYUS SOHA
Part IV Prayers in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition 324
Prayers to different Deities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
Because this is healing, freedom from knots in the mind, and freedom from
depression, being health in mind, body, and spirit, radiant, life-giving, it is
called Medicine Buddha, Healing Buddha, or Health Buddha;
May all beings be healthy and strong&
May all enjoy this happiness& TAYATHA OM BEKANDZE BEKANDZE
Because it is utterly pure, giving purity, bringing about the total purification
of karma, clearing away the reside of wrong thinking and wrong action, this
is called Vajrasattva;
May all beings share this merit& OM BENZRA SATO HUM
Because this is utterly peaceful and pure, soothing, pacifying, healthy and
healing, and nourishing, giving in abundance, with much love and joy, with
the pure elements in balance, giving that, it is called White Tara;
May all beings have the blessings of a strong constitution, excellent
resistance, and, if necessary, great powers of recouperation& OM TARA
Because this bodhicitta is true wealth, to be given and enjoyed,
it is called Golden-Yellow Tara, Vasudara; OM VASUDARA SOHA
Because it is all this, it is called by the name of Guru Shakyamuni Buddha,
our root guru, and all other gurus and bodhisattvas; Vajradhara, the Adi- or
Primordial Buddha, our original nature, the nature of mind, transcending
concepts; it is called peace, fulfillment, the great perfection; it is called our
true nature, the basis of all.
Part IV Prayers in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition 325
Prayers to different Deities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
This is our aim to be realized. This is what is to be actualized, awakened,
brought forth. This is what is to be accomplished.
May whatever qualities are necessary for the benefit of living beings awaken
in me, and in all others.
Every deity contains all deities. And while this is true, it is also true that the
practice of any one aspect awakens that quality, until they are all together,
present, and activated as necessary.
Different practices can add something to all that we do as well. They can be
mutually clarifying, strengthening, and enriching.
Any one practice includes all practices. For different kinds of people,
however, or even for any one person at different times in their life different
practices will make the fullness of what this means become more swiftly and
easily known, and experienced.
May all beings benefit.
Part IV Prayers in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition 326
Prayers to different Deities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
Request to the Supreme Compassionate One
Praise to the beautiful four-armed lord of the world,
Sublime embodiment emanating from the unity of all the victorious ones of
the three times;
Possessor of all knowledge and holder of the lotus,
Your immaculate feet beautifully ornament my crown.
May the karmic pollution of myself and others be washed away
by the cool tear of your compassion, great loving protector,
Sole refuge of pitiful, transmigrating beings who have no guide.
You generated bodhicitta first and then reached the extreme limit.
O merciful one, please behold with your compassionate eye
The beings of the evil-gone, caught in realms difficult to escape,
Experiencing the individual results of evil actions,
As hell beings or pretas, amongst animals, asuras, and so on.
Behold with compassion the thoughtless ones who return empty handed;
even their high rebirth was without meaning.
Their human bodies were so rare and fragile, but their lives were consumed
only in suffering.
Amidst their endless actions the lord of death arrived.
Behold with compassion tough-skinned beings like me
Who maintain a religious manner but do not achieve the great meaning,
Being overwhelmed by attachment, hatred, and the eight worldly concerns,
Without having subdued our minds by observing cause and result.
With compassion, please lead those without refuge on the path.
For when their vision of this life fades,
The vision of their self-created karma arises as the enemy in the bardo,
And they are taken on a precipitous route by Yama s messenger.
Part IV Prayers in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition 327
Prayers to different Deities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
Look upon us with compassion, O Lama Chenrezig,
Mother attached by compassion to all sentient beings,
Who is the special sole refuge of the Snow Land.
May I and all others quickly attain your state of enlightenment.
Author s colophon:
I, Pu.lha, who bears the name incarnate lama made retreat of the supreme
Compassionate One when I was fifteen years old. Because many bad
appearances arose as objects of mind, with devotion I wrote this request. By
this, may the prayers of all parent sentient beings be instantly fulfilled.
This text was composed by the root guru of Trulshik Rinpoche
when he was in his late teens. It was translated at Lawudo, Solo Khumbu, in
1997 during the Nyung Ne by Lama Zopa Rinpoche together with Ven.
Losang Gyaltsen.
Part IV Prayers in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition 328
Prayers to different Deities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
Prayers from the Chenrezig Sadhana
Refuge Prayer
From this moment until the Heart of Enlightenment is reached, I and all
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