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were met not with red carpet, canopy, and foot-
men, though the manager strove to give that impres-
sion. "Mr. van Vogel? And Mrs. van Vogel! We are
honored indeed!" He ushered them into a tiny, luxu-
rious unicar; they jeeped oS the field, up a ramp,
and into the lobby of the administration building!
The manager, Mr. Blakesly, did not relax until he
had seated them around a fountain in the lounge of
his offices, struck cigarettes for them, and provided
tall, cool drinks.
Bronson van Vogel was bored by the attention, as
it was obviously inspired by his wife's Dun & Brad-
street rating (ten stars, a sunburst, and heavenly
music). He preferred people who could convince
him that he had invented the Briggs fortune, instead
of marrying it.
"This is business Blakesly. I've an order for you."
"So? Well, our facilities are at your disposal. What
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would you like, sir?"
"I want you to make me a Pegasus."
"A Pegasus? A flying horse?"
Blakesly pursed his lips. "You seriously want a
horse that will fly? An animal like the mythical
"Yes, yes that's what I said."
"You embarrass me, Mr. van Vogel. I assume you
want a unique gift for your lady. How about a midget
elephant, twenty inches high, perfectly housebro-
ken, and able to read and write? He holds the stylus
in his trunk very cunning."
"Does he talk?" demanded Mrs. van Vogel.
"Well, now, my dear lady, his voice box, you
know and his tongue he was not designed for
speech. If you insist on it, I will see what our
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plasticians can do."
"Now, Martha "
"You can have your Pegasus, Brownie, but I think
I may want this toy elephant. May I see him?"
"Most surely. Hartstonet'
The air answered Blakesly. "Yes, boss?"
"Bring Napoleon to my lounge."
248 Robert A. Heinlein
"Right away, sir."
"Now about your Pegasus, Mr. van Vogel ... I
see difficulties but I need expert advice. Dr. Cargrew
is the real heart of this organization, the most emi-
nent bio-designer of terrestrial origin, of course on
the world today." He raised his voice to actuate
relays. "Dr. Cargrew!"
"What is it, Mr. Blakesly?"
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"Doctor, will you favor me by coming to my office?"
"I'm busy. Later."
Mr. Blakesly excused himself, went into his inner
office, then returned to say that Dr. Cargrew would
be in shortly. In the mean time Napoleon showed
up. The proportions of his noble ancestors had been
preserved in miniature; he looked like a statuette of
an elephant, come amazingly to life.
He took three measured steps into the lounge,
then saluted them each with his trunk. In saluting
Mrs. van Vogel he dropped on his knees as well.
"Oh, how cute!" she gurgled. "Come here. Napo-
The elephant looked at Blakesly, who nodded.
Napoleon ambled over and laid his trunk across her
lap. She scratched his ears; he moaned contentedly.
"Show the lady how you can write," ordered
Blakesly. "Fetch your things from my room."
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Napoleon waited while she finished treating a par-
ticularly satisfying itch, then oozed away to return
shortly with several sheets of heavy white paper and
an oversize pencil. He spread a sheet in front of Mrs.
van Vogel. held it down daintily with a fore foot,
grasped the pencil with his trunk finger, and printed
in large, shaky letters, "I LIKE YOU."
"The darlingi" She dropped to her knees and put
her arms around his neck. "I simply must have him.
How much is he?"
"Napoleon is part of a limited edition of six,"
Blakesly said carefully. "Do you want an exclusive
model, or may the others be sold?"
"Oh, I don't care. I just want Nappie. Can I write
him a note?"
"Certainly, Mrs. van Vogel. Print large letters and
use Basic English. Napoleon knows most of it. His
price, nonexclusive is $350,000. That includes five
years salary for his attending veterinary."
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"Give the gentleman a check. Brownie," she said
over her shoulder.
"But Martha "
"Don't be tiresome. Brownie." She turned back to
her pet and began printing. She hardly looked up
when Dr. Cargrew came in.
Cargrew was a chilly figure in white overalls and
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