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your mom is hot. Dude. Jake laughed. A few of them were at a loss for words. Brody wanted
to crawl under a rock, right after he locked his mother in a room away from the prying eyes of
the neighbor guys.
I couldn t help but laugh. I m glad he buckled as fast as he did. That hose water was
friggin cold and the suds were itchy.
Wynona s eyes widened. You covered yourself in suds and water while doing it?
Hey, I do not want to be a grandmother before I m forty. Brody and his buddies had
been busted twice for peeping through the window of the sister of one of the boys. It was clear to
see that he was curious and the images he was seeing in the media weren t helping him
understand. He didn t want to have the talk so I thought I d force his hand. I hate that kids his
age are already thinking about things like this.
I delivered three babies from twelve-year old girls last year alone. As much as I wanted
to bury my head in the sand when it came to Brody and kick Devan s ass for pulling a stunt like
that, it prompted him to ask me things. He listened, asked his questions and promptly informed
me that he d be waiting a long while. Girls are too complicated. He sighted his mother as an
example. He then said, if I needed more proof, call his Aunt Wynona. Mom says she eats men
alive. He shuddered. I did my best not to laugh.
Wynona high fived me. Right on! He s too young to be worried about all that.
Tell me about it. One minute I find him playing with his toys and an hour later he s a
mini-thug. No. I see the struggle in him to be a kid or act like a teenager. I hate it and I m a little
scared that he ll be losing Jake and Gideon as go-to father figures.
Vanessa smiled. At least his dad will be close.
Jake pinched her and she yelped.
Drew s got a lot to work out with Brody before he can step back into role model. In
truth, I m not sure he ever will be larger than life in Brody s eyes again. We re still trying to
completely work out the distance kink with him seeing Brody without me. It s awkward, at best,
when we spend days with him. He s good to me now--again, but there is a lot of tension in
Brody. I know Drew senses it. He doesn t push for more than Brody s willing to give but I know
it has to hurt.
Yeah, well I bet it hurt Brody a hell of a lot more to know Drew was responsible for
hurting his mother, Kurt bit out, reminding me he was there.
I didn t question why he said it. I had a pretty good idea. Elizabeth and I had become
very close. I knew her story, what her ex-husband had put her through, what her son had seen.
Putting my hand out to Kurt, I nodded. You re right.
He took my hand and pulled me to him. Without thought, I tossed my leg over him and
straddled him. He eased me down onto his lap and stared into my eyes. I wrapped my arms
around his neck and hugged him. Pressing my lips to his ear, I whispered, This is probably more
comfort than you were looking for, huh?
I went to stand but he held me to him. Don t go, he whispered.
Kurt, you don t need this in your life. Look up baggage and you ll find my picture
Tell me that you don t feel the attraction between us anymore. You do. Don t you?
My brow furrowed. Anymore?
He planted a series of kisses near my ear and purred lightly. My entire body tightened at
the sound. Drew had made that very noise during our first time together in the pantry, but had
never done it again.
Gasping, I pressed myself to him. Stop that or you won t be able to shake me.
He did it again and I let out a breathy sigh. It was his turn to tighten. He jerked slightly
beneath me and let out a nervous laugh. Stop that or I ll finish before I start.
I whimpered and he laughed. You should really make me get up now. I have more
shopping to do. I even need to go to the dreaded market. Dammit, I forgot Brody s list at home.
His list?
Embarrassed, I rolled my eyes. He makes our grocery list. I follow it to the letter. Well,
sometimes I add things like coffee but as far as actual food, I d be lost without him.
A deep chuckle came from him. That s my boy.
What? I asked, unsure I d heard him right.
Nothing. He winked. I think we can run through and grab the necessities for you and
then we need to get back. The delivery truck will be there in about an hour with Brody s
bedroom stuff.
Delivery truck? She said five days. I gave him a questioning look and then glared at
him. Broderick Kurtis Holland, you better not have paid for that.
He wrinkled his nose twice and gave me a shit-ass-grin. I think I need to be taught a
lesson. Could you take me home, put on a string bikini and rub suds on yourself? I promise to try
to let the lesson soak in. Though, you should be warned that I can and will make sure you and
Brody have everything you need--that includes me.
What? No! I grabbed his chin and narrowed my gaze. If you want to be supportive of
me and my son, you show up and ask him to skateboard around the halls with you to drive
Vanessa nuts. You don t drop several grand on a bedroom suite for a child you don t even
know. I shook my head. Ohmygod, we don t need your charity.
It s not charity, Devan.
Devan? Gideon asked. What s wrong?
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